#017 - Undiscovered Country

Aug 02, 2005 01:03

title: Undiscovered Country
word count: 200
fandom: Stargate SG-1
challenge: #017 - Shakespeare
summary: Miscommunication isn't always a bad thing.
disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not. I claim nothing but the plot.
notes: 6th in the Ugly Black Dress series. (Previous parts here: One - Two - Three - Four - Five).

He'd agreed to the film for her sake-- Kenneth Branagh in quantity plus gorgeous costumes and sets, never mind the antiquated English. She'd surprised him there, though; he'd known Buffy was smarter than she let on, like Jack, but he'd never suspected she'd developed an ear for language over the years. Maybe she couldn't reliably repeat anything, but she could understand it.

Regardless, Daniel paid more attention to her than the screen. Perhaps that's why he registered the dialogue only after she'd gone quiet:

"...The undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns."

Not so true in our case, he thought wryly, remembering the discussion the day they'd met. Black dresses and lost memories…

He placed a comforting hand on her knee, smiling at her in nostalgia and sympathy.

She stared at him in confusion, then laughed and explained. She'd been thinking, not of death, but of Star Trek courtesy of Andrew indoctrination!

He spent the rest of the movie just as distracted as before, but this time more from trying not to picture an aging Shatner in Hamlet's place than any concern about Buffy.

He'd never laughed so much in all his life as he had since meeting her.


(x-posted to jedibuttercup and stargate_xing)

xover: sg1, author: jedibuttercup, challenge: 017

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