Title: The Price of Independence
Author: Jinni (jinni@tthfanfic.com)
Rated: FR15
Pairing: Dawn/Brennan
Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. All things Mutant X belong to Marvel, ADV, et al.
Distribution: The normal places.
Author’s Notes: For
http://www.livejournal.com/community/tthdrabbles topic: independence.
Unable to answer, she thinks back to what had brought her here. To make a difference. To help all the New Mutants that were being persecuted.
To be with Brennan.
To be out of Buffy’s shadow.
“You couldn’t have saved her.”
His words don’t make her feel better. His arms around her don’t make the pain go away.
Dawn sobs aloud, hurting like she’s lost a part of herself.
Buffy and Xander were gone.
She hadn’t even been there to help.
And when Brennan forces her to look into Emma’s eyes, she surrenders willingly to the blackness that follows.
~*~End Drabble~*~