Title: Not Just a Book
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Due South
Challenge: #009
Notes: A new fandom for me but the challenge flared memories. Also another B(enton)/A(nya).
"Really Diefenbaker, I am sure that is not what she meant at all."
The half wolf looks at him.
"Miss Anya is a very nice young lady who would not suggest such a thing."
This time the wolf huffs at him and pads away. Ray laughs at the innocent Mountie.
"Don't encourage him Ray, and don't pass him that doughnut."
"Frase, 'Miss Anya' would."
"She was merely referring to Diefenbaker and perhaps other wolves."
"Don't play innocent with me Frase, I know you know."
"I most certainly do not 'know'."
"The 'call of the wild', Fraser? Not just a book."