Title: Single Human Witch
Author: Jinni
Rated: FR15
Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. All things SV belong to DC Comics, the WB, et al.
Distribution: TtH/SO.
Author’s Notes: For challenge #8 at
tthdrabbles ~*~*~
“SHW seeks passionate, caring, non-hairy companion.”
Willow scanned her personal ad, nibbling on her lower lip in thought.
Passionate would rule out people like Kennedy, who had been too cool for comfort. Caring… well that was a given. Tara had been caring.
And the non-hairy part ruled out werewolves and men/women with back hair.
She hoped.
Lex’s brows rose at the ad Chloe had given him as a joke.
The “non-hairy” part was an odd request… one he easily had covered.
Perhaps he’d answer - just to take up Chloe’s annoying little challenge of course.
Now what did SHW mean?
~*~End Drabble~*~