Title: Ruminations
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Anita Blake
Challenge: TtHDrabble #006: Character Study Three--Angel
Characters: Angel, Asher
Summary: A missing scene from my WIP Barag. I'm not to keen on this drabbel but it was the best I could do with my pounding headache. I also have trouble writing Angel.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this drabble, I wish I did, but I don’t.
It may have been a while since Angel had went into full blown brood mode, but he felt the need for one after his visit to St. Louis. What had happened to Asher because of the church was deplorable, rivaling Angelus in sheer cruelty-it would have been something Angelus would have reveled in doing, all the more because it left a lasting reminder. The church had certainly done a number on the other vampire, even now years later; Angel could see how it still affected the older vampire who barely resembled his former glorious self personality-wise. It was despicable.