Title: C is for Cookie
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Sesame Street
Challenge: #002
Notes: While talking to my mother, she was watching the news. Apparently, Cookie Monster’s song ‘C is for Cookie’ to be changed to ‘C is for a few cookies’ or something like that because Cookie Monster promotes unhealthy choices for children *eyeroll*
C is for Cookies
She blinked once. Then twice. Buffy stared at the fuzzy blue monster standing in front of her. She looked up for help. His eyes wobbled around crazily in his head, and he was practically drooling on her shoes.
“Cookies!” He cried before charging.
“Cookie Monster, no.” Maria sighed, yanking the monster away from Buffy. “I’m so sorry about that, Buffy. I thought I locked that door.”
“Just keep him away from me, ok?” Buffy mumbled.
“Your friend should be here soon to change you back.”
“I hope so, because Cookie Buffy so doesn’t want to get eaten by Cookie Monster.”
Title: Silly Buffy
Word Count: 200
Fandom: Animaniacs
Challenge: #002
Notes: No clue where this one came from.
Silly Buffy
Life had been pretty decent to Buffy in the five years since the Hellmouth closed. She’d gone back to school, met a great guy, got married, got a dog, and had a baby. Buffy had gotten the house with the white picket fence. Life was pretty normal. She still fought evil, which took her away from her two year old daughter Mindy, but she trusted Buttons (the dog) to keep an eye on her. Today was one of those times. Dawn needed a weapon that Buffy had at the house.
“Mindy, sweetie, Mommy’s gotta go take this to Auntie Dawn. Stay here and be a good girl, ok?” Buffy asked, bending down to talk to her.
“Ok, lady.” Mindy chirped, going back to playing with her ball.
“Mindy, I’m not Lady, I’m Mom. Call me Mom.” Buffy said, getting frustrated. The little girl just smiled as she looked up at her.
“Ok, lady, I love you. Bye-bye.” Mindy giggled.
“Grr. Buttons, you keep an eye on Mindy, and don’t let anything happen to her. Or else there’s no dinner for you.”
Buttons barked. Buffy knew he’d protect Mindy throughout her misadventures. He was a distant cousin of Clem’s, after all.