More Amnesty Drabbles

Mar 11, 2012 20:57

Title: The Sublet Sublimation
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/Big Bang Theory
Challenge: #101 - Paperwork
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Dawn raised an eyebrow. She hadn’t expected that subletting from Dr. Hofstadter while he was on a ten-month research assignment in Switzerland would involve quite this much paperwork. She frowned as she perused some of the more arcane items.

Then she reached for her red pen.

“Most of these stipulations will be acceptable, Dr. Cooper, but some are not and a few are outright dangerous.”

She ignored Cooper’s noise of outrage as she began to strike items that no Watcher in their right mind would agree to, such as the vampire attack protocol and the zombie apocalypse corollary.

“You are subletting from Leonard, that means you have to agree-“

“Oddly enough, Dr. Cooper, the sublease I signed with Dr. Hofstadter didn’t mention any further paperwork being necessary, nor did he mention the quite frankly lethal accident waiting to happen that is the procedure in this roommate agreement for how to handle vampires.”

Seeing that Cooper had paused, she went in for the kill.

“Now, if you’re willing to be reasonable, we can negotiate a more sensible vampire attack protocol far more likely to result in surviving said attack. If not, well, I know a guy who owns a law firm…”

Title: Vegas, Baby
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/CSI
Challenge: #90 - Beginnings and Endings
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Anya doesn’t miss magic as much as she thought she would. Sure, there are days when the lack of the supernatural makes her skin itch. But mostly it’s a minor annoyance compared to the loss of her friends and the life she had built with Xander. She’s learned to lean on technology instead of magic to compensate. She couldn’t even program the TiVo before. Here, she could probably build one. That, plus centuries of memories about bloody creative violent death made her decide to go into crime scene investigation. It seemed right.

She started out in this Sunnydale when she arrived after dying in her Sunnydale. It was strange to live there with no vampires or demons. She was constantly looking around for Buffy and the Scoobies. She realized that wasn’t healthy, so she applied for a transfer to LAPD as soon as she had enough experience under her belt.

But even in LA she was still looking for people she'd known. Which is why, when Morgan called and asked if she’d be interested in applying for a position opening up in Las Vegas, she jumped at the opportunity. She’s going to make this whole new beginning thing really work.

Title: Hold On To This
Word Count: 100
Fandom: BtVS/BSG
Rating: FR15/FR18?
Challenge: #97 - Golden Moments
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Faith grinned as she slumped onto Apollo’s chest.

“Gotta tell you, Leland, you got some skills,” she purred.

She felt more than heard his answering chuckle.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” he replied.

Faith gave his chest an absentminded kiss, more focused on her current post-coital bliss than on banter.

“I do my best.”

It was moments like this that made life in the Fleet bearable, but the longer they were out in deep space, the fewer and farther between they were. Which was why Faith didn’t want to think or talk, but just to bask as long as possible.

xover: big bang theory, xover: csi, challenge: 101, event: amnesty, challenge: 090, author: grundy, challenge: 097, xover: bsg

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