Title: Ballare
Word Count: 100
Fandom: BtVS, Nightwing
Challenge: #114, dance
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the words, and that's probably up for philosophical debate.
Summary: Buffy's battle-trained mind makes a logical leap.
Notes: The prequel to that
Batman/Nightwing story already posted for #116. Title and scene inspired by this
Cirque du Soleil performance.
It’s when the "lovers" link arms - held aloft by silk wrapped around their middle, fluttering between their legs, spinning high above - that Buffy knows who Nightwing is. She’s been held as intimately in arms as deeply corded as the aerialists’. She’s even shaken that hand in non-official capacities when his boss had introduced their office to her and Giles and Dawn.
So if Grayson, circus acrobat orphan, was the masked Nightwing, Buffy thought she could guess who the older man sitting next to him was, watching the act even more intently.