Series Title: Specialist Summers
avamcleanRating: FR13
Fandom: Avengers (the movie), BtVS
Challenge: #114 dance
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon and ME. Avengers and all related characters are copyright of Marvel Entertainment, Paramount Pictures and Stan Lee. No infringement intended.
Synopsis: Steve is intrigued and Buffy is annoyed.
Title: Thor
Word Count: 100
Her body twisted to avoid the blow the attractive guy aimed her way and Buffy frowned at the fact that he was more agile than she’d anticipated when he caught the punch she’d aimed for his face and attempted to toss her aside.
When she failed to follow his lead blue eyes narrowed, considering as he commented, “You’re strong,” arrogance quickly notched down his prettiness when he boasted, “I’ve fought stronger.”
Green eyes rolled and she twisted, bringing her stiletto down on his instep before her elbow struck his jaw, knocking him to the ground.
“Ditto,” was her dry retort.
Title: Captain America
Word Count: 200
The repetitive movement, the subtle dance to his steps cemented Steve, helped him to grasp that he was alive and well, and trapped seventy years in the future. A future that filled him with more questions than answers and kept him sequestered in a gym and an apartment that had been arranged for him as if he were a child. His fists picked up their pace and his temper snapped, breaking the bag and denting the drywall on the other side of it-again.
He heaved an annoyed breath when a quiet voice commented, “Impressive,” from behind him.
Steve turned, sneakered feet squeaking against the wooden floors and he winced, catching sight of a blonde standing beside the boxing ring, watching him intently. He ignored the twinge at the oddness of her attire, forcing himself to ignore the revealing outfits of the present, and focused on her face.
She returned the courtesy and Steve held her gaze a long moment before stating, “Fury sent you.”
“He might have,” she agreed, “But I was actually hoping to pummel a bag into submission myself,” her shoulder shrugged and he noticed the duffle perched there as she asked, “Mind if I join you?”