Amnesty Drabbles

Mar 14, 2011 00:17

Title: Twice The Aggravation
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/BSG
Challenge: #070 - Double Trouble
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Buffy narrowed her eyes at the identical blondes holding her sister at gunpoint between them.

“You know, where I come from, it isn’t nice to point guns at people,” she said evenly. Privately, she was already thinking up suitable punishments for Andrew if anyone got shot before Willow could work her mojo.

“Where you come from…” one of them murmured, cocking her head to one side like a cat that isn’t quite ready to pounce yet.

“And where would that be exactly?” the other asked, poking Dawn with her gun for emphasis. “Canceron?”

Buffy had no idea what was wrong with Canceron, wherever it might be, but the way evil Barbie said it meant it was the local equivalent of Arkansas.

“California,” Dawn snapped. “I told you. My sister is so going to kick your ass. No matter how many of you there are.”

“No, she won’t. She’s only a human,” the blonde replied dismissively. “Where is California?”

“Nothing ‘only’ about her,” a new voice announced. Dawn grinned at the sight of Xander, covering one of the blondes with an impressively large machine gun. “So why don’t you two be good little robots and run away before someone gets hurt?”

Title: Not Quite The Whole Truth
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/NCIS
Challenge: #071 - A Truth and A Lie
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Ziva glared at the one way glass. Their suspect was clever, she had to give him that. Worse, he was experienced. She was certain this was not the first time he had killed. Nor was it his first interrogation. He was too at his ease for that.

“Talk to me, Ziva.”

Gibbs had spoken before the door even shut behind him.

“Xander Harris is far more intelligent than he looks,” she said, letting a little of her frustration show. “And we are not going to get anything useful from him.”

“Is he lying to us?” Gibbs demanded.

Ziva shook her head.

“I do not think so. Aside from the eye patch, which he gave an obviously untrue account of and then refused to discuss further.”

Gibbs paused thoughtfully, looking at the young man needling Tony in the interrogation room. A sore spot- probably literally. Unlike his agents, he’d seen that the patch was for real.

“What did he say about the eye patch?”

“That he was running with scissors,” Ziva replied in disgust.

Gibbs almost snickered, despite himself.

“What did he say about our dead sailor?”

“That he didn’t kill him.”

“Then who did?”

“A man dressed like a vampire.”

Title: What's Left
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/LotR
Challenge: #072 - Forgotten And Remembered
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

Buffy refused to let the tears fall as Eowyn began the dirge.

She hadn’t understood, when she first woke up in Meduseld, why she wasn’t dead. Her plunge from Glory’s tower should have killed her. She’d known it would when she jumped. She was ready for that. Ready to be done.

Instead, she’d found herself in another land where darkness gathered- and worse, she knew in her bones that here it was called by a Big Bad with patience and smarts. She hadn’t understood why she was there. Had she not done enough to earn her peace?

Theodred had been her light in the darkness. He expected nothing from her that she couldn’t give. The Riddermark needed a hero as surely as Sunnydale, but here she was not being asked to shoulder the weight of the world. She was still only one girl, but she rode with the Rohirrim, and that meant she would never fight alone.

When Saruman’s orcs had hacked the best thing in her world to death, she’d remembered something she hadn’t realized she’d forgotten- what she really was. Slayer, The. What evil feared. And they really should fear, because now she had nothing left to lose.

Title: The Little Things
Word Count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/BSG
Challenge: #073 - Favorite Things
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

“It’s the little things you miss the most, isn’t it?” Dawn asked softly.

Lee nodded. It was the little things. The broad outlines of civilization on Earth- this Earth- were the same as they had been in the Colonies, but it was the details that made him miss what had been.

The first time he’d been in one of these moods, he’d snapped at his girlfriend that she had no idea what it was like to be a hundred and fifty thousand years in the future. She’d glared at him and snapped back that no, but she did know what it was like to be a hundred and fifty thousand years in the past.

Since then, he felt a lot less sorry for himself and remembered that people here wanted to help. He had also realized that Dawn worried she’d made a mistake bringing him back with her. He couldn’t tell if she was in guilt mode now, or if she was just thinking on things she missed too.

“What do you miss the most?” Dawn asked, not looking at him. “What was your favorite thing back on Caprica?”

“Pyramid,” he finally decided.

“No other sport like it,” Dawn whispered.

Title: Borrowing Without Permission
Word Count: 100
Fandom: BtVS/Percy Jackson
Challenge: #082 - Stolen and Freely Given
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.

“Anyone feel like we shouldn’t be doing this?” Dawn whispered.

She was promptly shushed by half a dozen voices.

“Dawn, it will be fine,” Annabeth hissed. “Just keep calm. You’ve done far more dangerous things before.”

“Yeah, but none of them involved st- I mean, borrowing from Olympus. The way I heard it, the gods aren’t terribly forgiving. Just look at Prometheus.”

“Could we not talk about him right now?” muttered Travis. “Not really setting the right mood.”

“Seconded!” whispered his brother Connor. “Look, Dawn, it’s too late to get cold feet now. Besides, if we want to find Percy…”

challenge: 073, challenge: 082, challenge: 071, challenge: 072, xover: ncis, author: grundy, challenge: 070, xover: percy jackson, xover: bsg, xover: lotr

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