#102 • Once More With (Ill) Feeling; Facing the Music

Feb 12, 2011 20:32

I wrote the first of these, then decided I couldn't let it stand without the follower.

Title: Once More With (Ill) Feeling
Author: graycardinal
Rating: PG (for implied toasting)
Wordcount: 100
Challenge: #102, "give me the microphone"
Fandom: see below
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Below the cut to preserve the twist.

“So,” said the woman, “your victims sing and dance themselves into a frenzy, then spontaneously combust.”

“Shwooof!” Sweet said, gesturing.

“Perfect.  Since these jokers already sing and dance incessantly, it shouldn’t even take long.”

“Trained performers?”  Sweet frowned.  “They have stronger self-discipline; the spell might not take.”

“Damn.  There must be a way-”

“I can supply a host of invisible backup singers.”

“Can you have them sing deliberately off-key?”

The demon grimaced.  “It’ll cost you.”

“But it will drive my enemies completely and utterly insane.  And then, shwooof!”

Sweet grinned.  “Diabolical.”

“Aren’t I, though?”  Sue Sylvester grinned back.  “Deal?”


Title: Facing the Music
Author: graycardinal
Rating: PG (for implied musical torture)
Wordcount: 100
Challenge: #102, "give me the microphone"
Fandom: see below
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Below the cut to preserve the twist.

“Sue, you tried to have my students flambéed!”

“I did no such-”

“Don’t bother.  Your invisible choir squawked.”

“How could you-?”

“They sang, we triangulated.”

“They’re trained professionals, Will.  They had a fair chance to beat the spell.”

“Performers in training.  And under torture.  Did you hear your singing saboteurs mangling South Pacific?”

“Did anyone actually combust?”


“See?  No harm done.”

“You’re not getting away with this.”

“Actually, I just did.”

Will smiled...and raised his hands.  “Note?”

The empty office answered.  “Laaaaaa.....”

“All together now: It’s a small world after all....”

Unseen, in the corridor, Sweet grinned.


Disclaimer: Joss Whedon created the Buffyverse; Glee was created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Ian Brennan.  The drabbles?  Those are mine.

xover: surprise, author: graycardinal, challenge: 102

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