Title :: Anne
Word Count :: 200
Fandom :: BtVS, V
Challenge :: #102 give me the microphone
Spoilers :: V - season 2, episode 3: Laid Bare
Disclaimer :: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. V and all related characters are copyright of Kenneth Johnson, The Scott Peters Company, Warner Bros. Television and ABC. No infringement intended.
Note :: If you haven’t see the V episode ‘Laid Bare’ these probably won’t make much sense.
Buffy shook her head as she searched through the abandoned building for Rickie and found she could still hear that visitor-chick’s voice-someone really liked to hear themselves talk-through the not so thin walls. Those ships definitely had the acoustics to make any auditorium envious and they, and their occupants, still wigged her out something fierce.
She didn’t trust those ships; Buffy had fled Sunnydale after her spectacular failure with life and found herself in Los Angeles and directly beneath one of them. Not particularly observant of her when she’d picked her destination, but she was being observant now as the scent of urine was replaced by something faintly chemical. The change pushed her forward, past the few people sleeping and Pete, the shelter volunteer that’d fed her during her early days in Los Angeles.
“Anne?” She kept moving before Buffy cringed, remembering her cover, and turned back to Pete. “Could I get your help?”
She thought of Rickie before sighing. “Sure.”
“I really appreciate it.” He motioned her to lead them back outside, towards Anna’s unending speech. Pete fell instep behind her and Buffy felt a slight pinch in her neck before she fell back and into unconsciousness.
Title ::Memory is Deceptive
Word Count :: 200
Memory is Deceptive
A scream tore through his euphoria, pulling Joshua from bliss and he turned to the subject that should have been in the throes of death. Her spine was arched, every muscle tight with pain and yet she remained conscious when countless others had succumbed to his machine’s search for the human soul.
Her head turned to the side, blonde hair, matted with sweat, stuck to her neck and shoulders as green eyes bored into Joshua’s. The defiance he found there was startling and his brow-line dropped, human-skin mimicking the movement with a frown. His head cocked, a hand reaching out to draw fingertips across her damp cheek and the subject hissed, jerking back from his touch only to wither in pain from the movement.
Joshua flinched as blue eyes replaced the green, the subject’s hair paled to a brighter blonde and he turned, fingers playing across the controls to shut off the machine. He turned back to the subject and Agent Evans was gone, replaced by the teenage girl, replaced by the knowledge of why Erica had shot him.
Anna’s voice flowed over him, away from him as Joshua once again became immune to bliss.
He remembered his true queen.
Note :: Can we get a V tag?