Title: Swifter, Higher, Stronger
Author: Maeve Bran
Rated: R for sexual situations
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor Leverage, I'm just borrowing for a little fun.
Prompt: #95 Swifter, Higher, Stronger
Summary: Eliot is surprised by Faith.
Notes: I was looking at this prompt and this was the only thing that came to mind. Sorry
Word Count: 100
Eliot Spencer stared up at the lithe brunette that was riding him hard. One moment he had been sparring with Faith and then swifter than even he could see coming he found himself flat on his back. Then Faith had them both out of their clothes and flying higher then he had ever experienced before. Eliot didn't mind that the legs on either side of his torso were stronger than he expected. It just made the ride that much higher. Faith moved in a surprising manner and all rational thought was driven from Eliot's mind. Just Swifter, Higher, Stronger remained.
Title: The Comforts of Jello
Author: Maeve Bran
Rated: G
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor Stargate SG1, I'm just borrowing for a little fun.
Prompt: #39 Jello
Summary: Willow and Col. Sam Carter have a conversation in the mess hall.
Word Count: 200
Col. Samantha Carter looked around the deserted mess hall- it was 3 in the morning and most of the workers of the SGC were at home or at their posts. Never the less there was a single occupant nursing a cup of coffee and looking depressed.
Sam grabbed a tray and loaded it with her own cup of coffee and two dishes of Jello. One the traditional red and the other the blue for herself.
“May I join you?” Sam asked the red head sitting there, alone.
“Sure,” Willow said noncommittally.
“Bad day?” Sam asked as she set down her tray and slid into the chair.
“Not really. Science and magic are not really melding so nicely. It was lucky that the naquadah was turned to jelly by the spell instead of exploding,” Willow said.
“Dr. Lee told me,” Sam answered sympathetically as started into her Jello. She handed the red dessert to Willow.
“Jello?” Willow asked, wondering if this was some subtle insult.
“It reminds me when I was sick as a little girl and Mom would give me Jello,” Sam explained. “Sometimes it's just a comfort to have something as normal as Jello when things get too weird.”
Title: A Fatal Mistake
Author: Maeve Bran
Rated: PG for violence
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor Dexter, I'm just borrowing for a little fun.
Prompt: #93 Mistaken Identity
Summary: Kennedy makes a fatal mistake
Word Count: 200
Kennedy skulked around the Miami police department. She had seen something she was sure she couldn't have seen last night. She thought she saw Darla, the vampire sired by the Master and who had in turn sired Angel, visiting the blood splatter guy. It figures a vampire and a blood splatter guy, but Darla was dust. Kennedy hadn't been around when Darla was in Sunnydale, but Willow had been teaching the new slayers the history of the Slayers ever since they had closed the Sunnydale Hellmouth.
The blond came by and stopped under the streetlight in the deserted parking lot. Kennedy compared the photo of Darla to the blond. A perfect match. Kennedy sprang and plunged the wooden stake into Darla's heart.
“Gotcha, Darla,” Kennedy said as the stake went in.
To her surprise, the blond didn't crumple to dust but blood poured freely from the chest wound.
“Not Darla,” the blond gasped. “Rita. Rita Bennett.”
“Oh, God,” Kennedy moaned as she pulled out the stake.
Rita's head fell forward and her labored breathing stopped. Kennedy reached for Rita's neck and found no pulse. She wiped off the stake and put it back in its hiding place and ran home.
Title: A Small Favor
Author: Maeve Bran
Rated: PG for violence
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor Law & Order SVU, I'm just borrowing for a little fun.
Prompt: #75 Small Favor
Summary: Rupert waits for a new Slayer.
Word Count: 100
Rupert Giles, Watcher Extrodinaire, hoped that the new Slayer he was meeting would be prompt. In the decade plus that he had worked in the States, Rupert had never really liked diner/ coffeeshops. But he was waiting here as a small favor to Willow and Buffy.
Normally, the girls handled the meet and greet portion of finding the new Slayers, but they had begged off of this one and he'd let them. Sure they had a point. The information on Detective Olivia Benson had said she was at least 10 if not 15 years older than the Oldest Living Slayer.
Can I please have tags for Law&Order SVU and Dexter?