Title: Spoiler Alert
Word count: 100
Fandom: Merlin/Buffy
Challenge: #96 - mythic adventures
Summary: When traveling back in time, Willow must watch out for the dreaded spoilers.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," the BBC owns "Merlin," I own my notebook.
Note: Can I get a Merlin tag? Thanks!
"You're not what I expected," Willow said, looking at the scrawny young man in front of her. "I was thinking beard, and age, and, well, not this."
"You were expecting someone?" he asked her, a confused look on his face. "Why would you be expecting anything? And who are you?"
"Oh, I'm Willow," she said cheerfully. "And, as for the whole expecting side of things, you travel to Camelot, you might be expecting to find a few people. But that would be spoiler-y, Merlin"
"How do you know my name?" Merlin demanded curiously. Willow only smiled.
"Like I said, spoilers."
Title: Of Bats and Slayers
Word count: 200
Fandom: Batman/Buffy
Challenge: #96 - mythic adventures
Summary: Buffy tries to get an annoying flying rodent off her trail.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Warner Brothers owns "Batman," I own my notebook.
Buffy could sense him following her, never leaving the shadows. Finally, fed up with the stalkage, she stopped under a flickering street lamp and crossed her arms.
"Well? Are you going to talk to me, or just keep with the creepy following bit?" she asked, looking at him. She heard a rustle of fabric and she could see his faint outline in the darkness.
"You shouldn't be here," he growled. "Gotham's not safe at night."
"Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine," she answered. "Go guard some other defenseless looking girl." Whoever this was, he was messing with her Slay time, and it was making her cranky.
"I'm not so confident in your abilities as you seem to be," the voice said, and Buffy rolled her eyes.
"I have a job to do, and you're getting in my way," she said, leaving the pool of light and walking towards him. He shifted against the darkness, and she got a better view of his cowled silhouete. "Look, mythical masked avenger who needs a throat lozenge, I'm good. Go arrest someone and leave me alone."
"I've got my eye on you," Batman finally said before slipping away, leaving an annoyed Buffy behind.