Title: Just Like
By: Polgara (melindoranightsilver@hotmail.com)
Wordcount: 200
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis/BtVS
Challenge: #94 Be My Valentine
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.
Summary: Faith isn’t into the candies and hearts thing.
Just Like
Faith frowned at the good-sized box sitting innocently on her bunk. The wrapping paper was pink and shiny, but not the neatest job she had ever seen. She turned to Ronon, one hand resting on her hip while the other gestured at the offending object. “What’s that?”
The large man shrugged. “A Valentine’s day present. I overheard the women discussing it.”
“You should know by now that I’m not into the whole candies and hearts thing,” she said, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder with a flick of her head.
“I know, but it seemed like a big deal,” he said. A rare grin breaking out over his lips. “Open it.”
A skeptical look on her face, she ripped the paper off and opened the box. Her eyes widened in shock and she turned her gaze back to the Satedan warrior. “Is this one like yours?” She asked in an almost reverent tone.
“Just like,” he confirmed, his voice rumbling deep in his chest.
She let out an uncharacteristic girly squeal as she tossed the box containing the special gun back onto the bed before tackling him. “Best boyfriend ever,” she declared before claiming his mouth with her own.
Title: About You
By: Polgara (melindoranightsilver@hotmail.com)
Wordcount: 100
Fandom: Magnificent Seven (old west)/BtVS
Challenge: #94 Be My Valentine
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.
Summary: “I’ll make sure it won’t be the last.”
About You
Buffy’s eyes glistened as Vin finished reading the small poem. “That was beautiful,” she said softly, her voice thick with emotion.
“Well, it is about you,” he said, his head ducking slightly to cover his blush.
She reached out and placed one finger under his chin. Applying a little pressure, she lifted his head to look at her. “I’ve never had someone write a poem about me. Thank you.”
A shy smile spread out over the tracker’s face. “I’ll make sure it won’t be the last,” he assured her before learning forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips.
Title: Serious Threats
By: Polgara (melindoranightsilver@hotmail.com)
Wordcount: 200
Fandom: NCISBtVS
Challenge: #94 Be My Valentine
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.
Summary: Tony picks Buffy up for their date.
Serious Threats
Tony winced as Dawn loudly announced his presence to her sister.
Her eyes raked over him and then her lips pulled into a frown. “You didn’t bring a gift,” she pointed out.
“I sent her flowers today,” he assured her, hands raised in surrender.
The brunette shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s Valentine’s Day. You don’t show up for the date without a gift, no matter what. It’s a rule.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’ve got another gift, don’t worry.”
She looked him over again. “I don’t see it.”
“Some gifts are small,” he said with a grin.
Dawn’s eyes widened. “Really?” She asked in a near squeal.
Tony’s eyes softened as a glow infused them. “Yeah,” he quietly admitted to her.
She stepped up to him and he suddenly found himself wanting to take a cautious step back but stood his ground. Her face was pure steel as she whispered, “Don’t screw this up. You hurt her and there will be no place for you to run. Not even Abby would be able to prove that I had something to do with it. Capiche?”
He swallowed nervously and truly believed that she could carry out the not-so-idle threat. “Capiche.”