Title: Legen-wait for it-dary!
Word count: 100
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother/Buffy
Challenge: #94 - be my valentine
Summary: Anya sits alone on Valentine's Day in MacLaren's.
Disclaimer: Craig Thomas and Carter Bays own "How I Met Your Mother," Joss owns "Buffy," I own nothing.
Anya hated Valentine's Day, now that she was human. Sitting in a crowded New York pub, she glared at the happy couples. They might be happy now, but sooner or later, one of those women would be ready to make a wish to curse the male she was with.
"I hate to see a pretty lady so upset," a good-looking man said, sitting next to Anya. "What do you say I make it all better?"
"If you mean with multiple orgasms, then yes," Anya said, standing up. "If not, go away."
Barney Stinson smiled. This was going to be legendary.