Title: Getting Married In The Morning
Word Count: 100
Fandom: BtVS/BSG
Challenge: #87 - Tying The Knot
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.
Dawn was dazed by the speed with which it had happened. Actually, strike that. She was dazed that it had happened at all. Kara had never struck her as the marrying type. And if her older sister hadn’t just spent the night getting nekkid with Apollo, Dawn would cheerfully eat one of those revolting fish Helo had caught. Yet for whatever reason- and with no prior warning- Kara had decided to drag her boyfriend before a priest this morning. She was now Mrs. Samuel Anders. Or, as Dawn had already heard one wag put it, Sam was Mr. Kara Thrace.
Title: Not What I Meant
Word Count: 100
Fandom: BtVS/Star Trek (2009)
Challenge: #87 - Tying The Knot
Disclaimer: I didn't create the characters, I'm just playing with them.
Faith hadn’t ever pictured happily ever after with a guy before. Hell, most of them had been one-night stands or brief flings. Robin had lasted a few years before she wanted out. She wasn’t going to get all sappy about it, but after 25 years, she was starting to think maybe she and Ayel oughta make honest beings out of each other. Unfortunately, she hadn’t yet learned the Romulan for ‘tying the knot’. When she’d said it in English, the look on Ayel’s face showed he had the complete wrong idea. Not that she minded a little bit of bondage…