and yet another set of challenge responses x10

Feb 28, 2009 11:55

Random drabbles, beside all involving Spike and Bones, no continuation

Title: Provoking
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #060 - Guilty pleasures
Disclaimer: Don’t own

He really shouldn't provoke Agent Booth but annoying him was such a fun past time. Since discovering the man who looked like the Great Poof, Spike had taken great delight in appearing to him during the middle of the night. Sometimes, he'd just leave a burning cigarette to be found in the kitchen, or empty beer bottles on the table. Sometimes, he'd sneak in and turn on a Ramones CD at full volume while Booth was sleeping.

He told no one of his habit and he knew Booth wouldn't say anything. So he would continue his torture. He was evil!

Title: Amara
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #061 - Fun in the sun
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Everyone had believed that Angel had destroyed the Gem of Amara, but Spike knew otherwise. So after the final battle against Wolfram and Hart, Spike returned to where the ring was kept. It was only fair. Angel was 'reborn' into FBI Agent Seeley Booth and he was able to go out into the sun whenever he liked, which was so totally unfair in Spike's mind. But the Gem was a great equalizer. Maybe one day he could visit Angel in the sun and poke fun at him because he no longer had the speed or the strength he once had.

Title: Experiments
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #062 - Things that go BOOM
Disclaimer: Don’t own

It was late at night when Spike let himself into the Jeffersonian, grateful for his pick pocketing skills. He wanted to see what was so interesting about the place but couldn't go there during the day as there was too much sun light.

He could hear two other people taking.

“Add the hydrochloric.”

“But that'll react.”

“It's supposed to. That was the whole point of the experiment.”

“Zack! Fine but you better explain it to Cam about what exploded in the lab.”

If there was an explosion, then he better go. Security made him nervous. Yeah right. In their dreams...

Title: Living Dead
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #063 - Death
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Temperance found that death was easy to accept. Not murders or accidents, just the overall state of death. She dealt with death every day. It may not be always newly dead but dead none the less. What she did find hard to accept was the man standing before her smirking, claiming he was already dead.

"I'm a vampire, luv. I'm the living dead," his British accented voice caressed her. "I've got no pulse. You can check if you like."

Her hand shook as she reached for his neck. Stunned to find his neck was cold and there was no pulse.

Title: Champion
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #064 - Rush hour
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Spike swore as he drove madly through the busy streets, thankful it wasn't rush hour. He had to get to the Great Poof's lookalike and his bint before they were killed. Damn his champion status, making him help people instead of slaughtering them.

He had no idea how the Poof even had a human lookalike but he did. And what was worse, Peaches knew about him, had sent him to protect him after the seer got a warning. The only way this could be worse was if it was Peaches himself that needed rescuing; except gloating would definitely be involved.

Title: Mischief
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #065 - Mischief managed
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Finding Angel as a human, as a FBI Agent amused Spike since Angel no longer remembered what had happened in the past. So now, whenever Spike could, he would sneak into his office and leave drawings of demons and his loved ones in case files.

"What are you doing?" Angela asked when she saw him.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good, Bit," he replied with a smirk as he placed the most recent case file back on Brennan's desk.

As he turned to walk out, he called back, "all done."

Angela shook her head in silent reply.

Title: Security
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #066 - Crime wave
Disclaimer: Don’t own

It was the small things that started to disappear. At first it could be put down to them just loosing something. A pair of cuff links, a pen, a page of notes... but then it became noticeable. They would go home for the evening and the next day case files were missing, scalpels and other surgical instruments would be gone. No other team was reporting any disturbances, just Brennan's team.

So they set up cameras to capture footage of who was stealing making Spike laugh. He was a ghost, cameras wouldn't capture images of him unless he wanted them to.

Title: Something In The Night
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #067 - Song titled
Disclaimer: Don’t own
A/N: Song is by Bruce Springsteen

It was Booth's worse fear, that someone from his old life appear in his new, determined to ruin what he had built up for himself. When the Gravedigger surfaced long enough to kidnap Brennan and Hodgins, Booth knew he needed help.

When Spike arrived in the middle of the night, he knew it was going to be a long journey chasing someone in the night for one last fight.

“No one's offed the pillock yet?” Spike asked.

They made their way through the deserted quarry, no one else around. Working hard to find them alive. Before it was too late.

Title: Grateful
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #068 - Giving thanks
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Several years ago, when Booth had been Angel, no one was more annoying to him than Spike. Sure Xander had been close but Spike was definitely the pinnacle of annoyance. But somewhere along the way to Shanshu redemption and becoming Booth, had Spike become someone more than just a pain. Spike had become a lifeline between his old life and his new. Someone who managed to keep in touch and let him know how the others were doing or taking care of threats he know longer could. For the first time in centuries, Booth was thankful that Spike followed him.

Title: Present
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Bones
Challenge: #069 - Gifts
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Booth could hear the voice before he saw the person. Spike had called him earlier to say he had a gift for him. But there was no way that he had done what Booth was suspecting he had done... had he?

“Spike, what am I doing here?” her voice filtered through the lab.

“Just had to give someone a present of a lifetime. Booth, you 'ere mate?”

Buffy's eyes widened when Booth walked out of an office and into the sun.

“Angel?” she asked hesitatingly.

“Yeah Buffy, it's me,” he replied smiling.

Spike's gift had been to both of them.

challenge: 060, challenge: 068, author: kayleyangel, challenge: 062, challenge: 066, challenge: 067, challenge: 064, challenge: 069, challenge: 063, xover: bones, challenge: 061, challenge: 065

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