NOTES: Like any number of fanfic series, this began by accident, with a drabble in a commentfic challenge. Then I arrived at this community via TtH, looked over the current challenge, and realized that a sequel to that first drabble would fit the challenge perfectly. Episode #1 is therefore reprised below for context, but is not part of the challenge response and should not be counted as such. More are likely to be forthcoming....
The original roster of the League of Extraordinary Blondes is as follows:
• Buffy Summers, Vampire Slayer
• Special Agent Veronica Mars, FBI
• Chloe Sullivan, “Watchtower” to Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow
Episode 1 • After Action
graycardinal Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: n/a
Characters: Buffy Summers, Veronica Mars, Chloe Sullivan
Spoilers: BTvS: none (post-series); Veronica Mars: none (post-series); Smallville: none (post-S7)
Disclaimer: All characters appearing herein are the property of their Hollywood corporate masters; only the words are mine.
After liquefying the Ospraxios demon, they went out for coffee - and ended up sharing stories.
“I can only talk about so much; most of the cases are classified,” said the FBI agent.
The Slayer laughed. “More classified than vampires and werewolves and demons, oh my?”
“Touché. That’s two-thirds of the X-Files right there.”
“The mad scientists and meteor freaks are worse,” said the Queen Industries consultant. “At least they create lots more paperwork.”
“Which you get paid to arm-wrestle.”
“Easier arm-wrestling paper than werewolves.”
“At least this proves one thing,” the FBI agent said. “We blondes do have more fun.”
Episode 2 • Anniversary
graycardinal Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #84
Characters: Buffy Summers, Veronica Mars, Chloe Sullivan
Spoilers: BTvS: none (post-series); Veronica Mars: none (post-series); Smallville: most/all S8 episodes to date
Disclaimer: All characters appearing herein are the property of their Hollywood corporate masters; only the words are mine.
Only the café was different. “Has it really been a year?” asked the Slayer.
“To the day,” said the FBI agent. “Mine’s been pretty quiet.”
“Mine too,” the Slayer said. “Vamps, demons, the usual. How about you?”
The Queen Industries consultant gazed wearily heavenward. “I wish. Two jobs, superpowers, evil aliens, sex-crazed aliens, evil alien software IN MY HEAD, zombified, un-zombified, lost the superpowers, best friend showed up, she got superpowers - and left again, still working two jobs.”
“Wow,” said the Slayer. “Did you die?”
“At least once. I think.”
“Then you definitely win.”
“Oh - and I also got married.”