title: Yo-ho
author: echo
rating: PG-13
word count: 200 (so says word)
disclaimer: Not mine. Dawn is Whedon's. Harry is Rowling's.
summary: Harry's date's had one too many.
challenge: drinking, drinks, being drunk
Harry watched in... well... horror.
He had no idea one could become intoxicated from three butterbeers if one was not a house elf. Now she was lurching drunkenly along the cobblestones of Diagon Alley singing a song he was fairly certain belonged in a pirate movie. Lots of yo-hos, lots of bottles of rum.
"Dawn... please."
She kept right on singing. Plenty of yo-ho'ing.
"You there!" Someone shouted from an open window. "Would you mind piping down? Some of us were sleeping!"
"Sorry!" Harry shouted back as he rushed to catch Dawn before she fell. "Dawn, please."
"Oh, Harry." She said as she wrapped her arms about his neck. "I'm behaving much a good time. You're the prettiest boy ever."
Harry actually blushed. Especially since she had tried to kiss him and stuck her tongue up one of his nostrils instead.
"Uh!" Harry wiped his nose furiously. It was a good thing he REALLY liked her, otherwise he might have been grossed out completely there.
"Yo-ho, we should this do us again."
"Not ever."
"The you is fine, but no butterbeer for you again. Ever."
"Oh. Yeah. I thinks it mightsa had an adburst reflect onto me."
"Noooo. Really?"