Title: Earth Air Fire Water
Author: not_purrrfect
Prompt: Challenge # 18/crossover with The Craft
Comm: tthdrabbles
Word Count:
Disclaimer: Not mine just borrowing
Notes: Dawn is in over her head, again.
Dawn, in the woods, playing with Willow's stuff. Andrew her 'helper' at her side. "What should we conjure?" she asked him.
"Naked women." he said and then realizing it was not appropriate, whispered "Sorry Dawnie, how about a cat?"
A swirl of leaves and earth spun between them and Nancy appeared. "Magic isn't for children." she said in a throaty growl. Then she turned into a panther. Dawn was shocked, and Andrew soiled his underpants.
"That will teach you, you little babies." Growled the Nancy cat, and she dashed away laughing.
"Dawn? Can we go home, I need a shower!"