Title: World Without Shrimp?
Word count: 200
Fandom: Doctor Who
Challenge: #26 Misunderstandings
Summary: A little mis-communication between Buffy and the Doctor. (follows on from "What's in a Name?")
"I'm a Vampire Slayer," Buffy said.
The Doctor appeared intrigued, but Buffy bristled anyway. "You don't believe in vampires."
"Of course I believe in vampires! My people fought against the Great Vampires ages ago. Destroyed them." He pointed something at her, looked at it, then danced back to the console before she could object. "Yes, artron energy! That explains it. You're endowed with some sort of mystical power, right? Helps you fight vampires, enhances your perception; you deduced I was non-human almost at once. Not many can do that. At first I thought you came from a Sycorax slave-planet, with all your talk of demons, except that didn't fit your speech patterns or dress. Late 20th Century Earth, but your Earth is one that's overrun by vampires."
"Not overrun exactly... what do you mean, my Earth? This is a different dimension, how can there be an Earth here?"
"There are dimensions and dimensions. Yours seems to be parallel rather than orthogonal."
"Like the World Without Shrimp?"
"Earth has shrimp, but the best shrimp in the galaxy is on Goolagda. You like shrimp? We could--"
"I mean, everything the same except there's no shrimp."
"Oh. Yes. That's what I meant."