title: Bad Timing
word count: 200
fandom: BTVS/Torchwood
pairing: None
disclaimer: I own nothing to do with either fandom, I’m merely playing.
challenge: # 74 lost and found
rating: Pg-13
summary: Willow and Buffy have bad timing when it comes to finding Ianto.
Ianto gasped as the spinning finally stopped. He found himself on his back staring up at two concerned faces.
“Hi,” said the blonde brightly before she told him, “You know you’ve gotten older.”
“Older?” he finally managed.
“Yeah, you were still running around in diapers the last time I saw you, now you’re all almost my age, which is like not of the good. Are you sure this is him Will?”
“I told you, times moves differently where Dawn stashed him,” Will shrugged.
The blonde glittered a smile at him again, “Well I’m your Aunt Buffy and this is your Aunt Willow and your Uncle Xander is, hey where is Xander?”
“I don’t have any Aunt’s or Uncles,” Ianto pointed out.
“Well you were a toddler the last time we saw you,” Willow pointed out.
“We lost Dawn and we thought we’d lost you, but it turned out she’d just hidden you away and well Willow found a spell and now here you are all found.”
Ianto rested his head back against the floor, “Can you send me back?”
“We were in the middle of adverting an apocalypse when…,” Ianto started to explain.
“Will, you promised no bad timing!”
title: More For Us
word count: 200
fandom: BTVS/Doctor Who
pairing: none
disclaimer: I own nothing to do with either fandom, I’m merely playing.
challenge: # 74 lost and found
rating: Pg-13
summary: Frustrating Martha means Xander and The Doctor don’t have to share.
“It’s lost,” Martha reiterated.
“It’s not lost,” Xander sighed exasperated, “it’s just misplaced. S’not my fault he’s got pockets that are bigger on the inside.”
“That didn’t mean you had to start hiding things in there.”
“Well what else would they be for? I asked first, didn’t I ask first?”
The Doctor just laughed, “Yes, you did.”
“See, I asked,” Xander grinned at Martha as he added a bit of string to the pile of things he’d already pulled from the coat pocket.
“It’s string,” Martha pointed out.
“Hey,” The Doctor protested, “you never know when you might need string.”
Xander pulled out a collection of poetry, then a stethoscope which he wrapped around his neck. With a shake of her head Martha declared them both pack rats and wandered down the hall. Xander shrugged and continued.
“Lint important?”
“Nah, not really.”
The lint was added to the throw away pile. Xander reached into the pocket again and again until finally he gave a cry of triumph and pulled out his twinkie.
“I think we got on her nerves,” Xander said as he opened the treat.
“I thought that was the point.”
“Yep, more for me and you,” Xander grinned.
And because I really do like my slash...
title: Too Easy
word count: 100
fandom: BTVS/SPN
pairing: Dean/Xander slash
disclaimer: I own nothing to do with either fandom, I’m merely playing.
challenge: # 74 lost and found
rating: Pg-13
summary: Dean wants his tape back and Xander’s no match for him.
As Dean dived back into his Impala Xander couldn’t help but notice the hidden grin on Sam’s face.
“Where is it?” Dean growled.
“No idea,” Xander offered as he noticed a definite cassette shaped bulge in Sam’s back pocket.
Dean searched under the seats, hands poking and prodding each available hiding space. Finally he turned and looked at them. Xander shifted nervously from foot to foot. Dean sidled up to him, wrapped both arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. Xander whimpered.
“Now where is my tape?” Dean demanded as he pulled away.
“Ask Sam.”
“Good answer.”