Fic Title: Oldies But Goodies
phoenixrae Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #73: Favourite Things
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing them to feed this plot bunny of mine.
Summary: Dean teases Giles about his lack of appreciation for the music from his days…
GILES STEPPED IN TO the room, his face scrunched up to a frown as he watched the young, dark haired man bang his head to the beat of the classic rock music blaring from the sound system in the living room.
Dean Winchester and his brother, Sam, were staying with them in Ohio while they track down a shifter masquerading as either Buffy or Faith - depending on the damn Shifter’s mood.
“Can you turn down this bloody racket?” Giles yelled on top of his lungs.
Dean whipped around. “Aw c’mon, Ripper, don’t tell me you never rocked to KISS before!”