title: Perdu
author: argante
rating: G
x-over: BtVS/HP
challenge: "summer nights"
disclaimer: Not mine. HP => Rowling. BtVS => Whedon.
a/n: An extra drabble to the first person who can tell me exactly who the HP character is, beyond the name. Should be easy; let’s see if you get it.
a/n2: I had to steal, uh, I mean borrow my brother-in-law's laptop to post this, so c'mon people, give me some love.
a/n3: Just for the record, I speak little to no French. It's all auto-translation; any mistakes, comment, and I'll fix it.
n: a soldier sent on an especially dangerous mission
french: lost
There are stars here somewhere, she’s sure. The kind of bright, twinkling stars she can remember from back home. She isn’t sure where they were before this -- it had been just another stop along the way, another nameless town and another battle -- but there the stars had winked down at her every night, and although she was years and miles and a lifetime away and the two places weren’t particularly alike, she was reminded of Sunnydale, her adoptive hometown. Of her house that was more suburban than urban, of all the nights spent sprawled on the grass beneath the velvet blue sky with Robin, counting and naming the stars, pointing up with fingers so intertwined she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began. Sighing, she curled leather encased legs up beneath her and flipped a thick dark braid over her shoulder.
“Vous devez vous ennuyer de l'Amérique.” Faith looked up at the sound of Gabrielle’s voice, startled from her memories.
Faith shifted in her seat as Gabrielle leant on the railing and looked out across the city, still speaking, although not looking at her. She’s a prisoner of language; here, to not understand is to be invisible.