Title: Renewing Acquaintances
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: B:tVS/Doctor Who
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Challenge: #72 forgotten and remembered
Word Count: 100
Dawn hadn’t seen her, not at first.
There was a tingling feeling at the back of her head and a fluttering in her chest.
The tug made her turn.
Anyone else would have taken a single look and dismissed her as a person of no consequence. A girl, barely older than herself with a dodgy dye-job and questionable fashion sense.
Dawn wasn’t anyone. She lived amongst heroes and knew all about illusory appearances.
The girl turned.
Brown eyes flashed gold.
Blue eyes glowed green.
How could she have forgotten?
One of the only beings to ever equal her.
“Bad Wolf.”
Title: Like Riding a Bike
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: B:tVS/House
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Challenge: #72 forgotten and remembered
Word Count: 200
Xander hoped that he would be fast enough to help the guy he’d just seen dragged down the alley, but he knew that he was no Slayer and braced for himself for the possibility that the vamp’s victim was already drained and dead. He ran faster.
He took his gaze from the familiar pile of vamp dust to the preening, self-satisfied man twirling his cane.
“Still got it,” he crowed. “Just like riding a bike, you always remember!”
He caught sight of Xander and scowled.
“What are you? A moron? Don’t you have any kind of self-preservation instincts? Barreling down a dark alley--you’re asking to be raped and murdered.”
“Or vamped,” Xander offered wryly as he concealed his stake.
The guy smirked.
“C’mon, kid. You can buy me a drink.”
“And I’m doing this because?”
“Judging by the way you were about to come to my rescue, you’re a bleeding heart who must take it upon himself to escort a cripple through the dangerous streets of Jersey and I’m going to a bar.”
“Who am I to argue against an old cripple?”
“At least I can see.”
“I can still run.”
“Gotta name, kid?”
“Xander. You?”