#59 - Rookie Mistake

Jun 17, 2007 20:10

title: Rookie Mistake
word count: 200
fandom: X-Men
challenge: #59 - Oops
summary: He seemed just like another animal to her.
disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not.
notes: Set during Season 2's "What's My Line" episodes. For TTH FFA pairing, "Kendra/Wolverine".

"Kendra! No!" Buffy blurted, rushing to grab the other Slayer's arm before she could stake her victim. "I thought you said you weren't going to just attack people randomly?"

Kendra frowned. "But dis one isn't human. I saw him get back up from a wound dat would have killed a normal man!"

"So maybe he isn't a normal man," Buffy replied. "That doesn't mean he's evil!"

"What, like your boyfriend?" Kendra sneered. "Or is dis one your boyfriend, too?"

"Hey, ladies," the man hanging from Kendra's fist by his shirt-collar interjected. "Do you think maybe I can get a word in edgewise here?"

"No!" Both Slayers yelled at him, then turned back to each other.

"He's from a place that teaches mutants," Buffy explained. "They thought I might be one. The Sunnydale press doesn't report much in the way of truth, but some things make the news."

"Mutants," Kendra spat. "More like demon hybrids."

"Hey!" A strange metallic sound came from their guest, like a sword sheathing in human flesh, and suddenly there was a blade inches from Kendra's throat. "I'm as human as you are, lady."

Buffy sighed and pried them apart. "Would it help if she said 'oops'?"


(x-posted to jedibuttercup)

author: jedibuttercup, xover: x-men, challenge: 059, .tthffa

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