Their Game - Willow/Jo - SPN/BtVS - Kink: D/s

Nov 12, 2006 18:49

Title: Their Game
Author: Jinni (
Rated: NC17
Pairing: Willow/Jo
Disclaimer: All things SPN belong to Eric Kripke, et al. All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al.
Warning: Femslash, PWP, touches on D/s
Spoilers: Up through “The Usual Suspects” on SPN. The entire series of BtVS.
Notes: For the Dominanc/Submission kink at tth_kink for the November Kink-a-Thon, also for “20 Minutes at the Roadhouse” challenge at TtH. Also for prompt #14: Submissive at 50_smutlets.
Start Time: 6.22pm, End Time: 6.42
Summary: Jo would act like she didn’t want it from the moment she saw Willow walk into the Roadhouse. Right up to the point that she gave in and they both snuck off to her room, Jo would play hard to get.
Wordcount: 1097


The Roadhouse was the same as it had always been which to Willow meant that it looked like it was pilled right off a movie set where they were aiming for clichéd decorations and dusty Midwest atmosphere. It wasn’t her kind of place, even if Ash was sometimes fun to talk with about geeky-hunting related nonsense. There were only two reasons that she ever came here.

The first was when she had business for the Council - meeting with informants and hunters, still trying to make the Council the powerhouse it once was before the less-than-honorable intentions of their predecessors screwed everything up.

The second reason was sprawled out naked and glistening with sweat in front of her right now.

“What is it you want, Jo?” Willow asked, lips so close to the other woman’s wetness that she knew Jo could feel her breathing over her heated flesh. “Say it.”

And this was always the game they played, her and this would-be hunter, still so naïve about what true darkness really was. Jo would act like she didn’t want it from the moment she saw Willow walk into the Roadhouse. Right up to the point that she gave in and they both snuck off to her room, Jo would play hard to get. Thing was, Willow didn’t chase her. Never had and never intended to. In the end, Jo broke because Jo wanted this.

That was just a small part of the game, though. The foreplay before the actual foreplay.

Willow had never known she liked to be dominant until she met Jo. No one that knew Jo solely outside of the bedroom would ever peg her for the type that liked to give over control, be made to beg, and take orders like a good little girl. But Jo did. Willow didn’t remember what it was that had clued her in to what Jo really wanted from her in bed, but she knew that it had been their very first time.

Jo didn’t say a word. Her eyes glittered with defiance as she lifted her head up to look down her naked body, past her flat stomach, to where Willow lay between her legs. Willow felt a smile curl at one corner of her mouth and let it show through with an edge of coldness in her eyes. “I can lay here all day, baby.”

“Do it.”

Willow laughed and the whispery breaths ghosted over Jo’s dripping warmth, making the other girl whimper and lean back again. Keeping one hand pressed to the inside of Jo’s left thigh, Willow moved her other hand to that wetness. She trailed a finger through that slick heat, the touch so light that it could only serve to agitate Jo’s body into further heights of arousal. That was exactly what happened, too. Jo’s thighs tensed, her body arching, trying to press into the finger. Willow withdrew it, laughing huskily. “C’mon. Ask me and I’ll make you feel so good.”

“Fuck you,” Joe ground out and Willow could hear her teeth clenching.

”That was the plan until you got stubborn,” Willow teased lightly. She lifted up enough so that Jo could easily see her face, her mouth. Then she put that wet finger in her mouth, sucking Jo’s juices off of it. “So sweet.”

Jo moaned and shut her eyes. Willow knew that Jo enjoyed the fight as much as she enjoyed the actual act of sex. The blonde twisted her head to the side, fighting with herself, with that desire in her that made her want this above and beyond her nature to be just plain surly.

Goddess, she looked so beautiful like this. Eyes clenched shut, hair splayed out on the pillow behind her head, and her body spread open just waiting to be feasted on. Willow licked her lips and shifted so that her thighs rubbed together, the friction exquisite.

Chuckling softly, Willow moved up enough that she could place her mouth on Jo’s stomach. She suckled a piece of skin into her mouth, biting into it just enough to draw a sharp hiss from Jo’s lips, before letting it go. She kissed and licked at the mark she’d left, her eyes never leaving Jo’s face. Then she moved to the next spot and then the next, leaving teeth-shaped indentations as she went, marks that would fade within the hour, but that showed prettily against her skin right then and now.

“Gorgeous,” Willow whispered into Jo’s stomach. “So beautiful. And you taste so sweet.”

With the last compliment, Willow slid a finger into Jo, grinning when she clenched around her, slick inner walls gripping rhythmically at the digit. She drew it out again, just as slow as she’d slid it in, removing it completely.

Pained noise on her lips, Jo lifted her head again. She was breathing hard, her face flushed. Her eyes were wide and blown with passion.

“Please,” she said, so softly that Willow wouldn’t have even known what she was saying if she wasn’t looking right at her lips. “Please. Just do it. Please.”

Willow pressed her finger back into Jo at the same time she lowered her mouth. Her tongue dragged along the wetness, up and over Jo’s clit, finger gently working in and out of her heat. On the next out-stroke, she added a second finger and Jo gasped, pushing down into her touch. Willow gently tugged at her clit with her lips, suckling it into her mouth. She hummed around it and Jo thrashed against the bed.

With short licks, Willow began to work Jo’s body in earnest. She alternated her licks with teasing suckles and gentle nips, her mouth filled with Jo’s taste.

It didn’t take long. Jo came with Willow’s name on her lips, her thighs clenching inward, pressing against the one hand that Willow had held to one of them, the other thigh coming up against the side of her head.

“God, Willow. Fuck!” Jo moaned, her entire body going taut with release, back arching up and off of the bed completely. Willow felt her spasm around her fingers. Jo was still moaning and crying out things that made no sense, probably weren’t even words.

The cries tapered off as Jo’s orgasm petered out to little more than fleeting aftershocks, her breath hitching in her throat as she rode through the last. Willow pulled away as Jo’s muscles went limp.

She pulled herself up and looked down at Jo’s replete, sated face, shaking her head when the other girl’s eyes drifted half-shut. “Uh, uh, baby. Time to return the favor.”

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