
Living World Event 15 January 2011 Entitled "Ravages of Memory"

Dec 21, 2010 18:07


There will be a Living World of Chivalry & Sorcery Event held on 15 January 2011 being hosted by MSD at MSD HQ in Frederick.

Title: Ravages of Memory

It is the last few days of the year. The winter festivals of the northern hemisphere have started. An unusual messenger appears at the Keep of Kent in the country of Azin. The Duchess of Kent after receiving the messenger calls for a party. The party is being sent to respond to the message. Things are not as straight forward as they appear. The Duchess believes there is much more going on than a simple question being asked or that a simple answer will suffice.

It is the 418th day of TK 1051. It is snowing with temperatures dipping down to the low teens.

From The Alquennas Almanack:

Day 418 of TK 1051
Korwend, 31st of Storms in the Year of the Unicorn...

Sunrise is at 8:23 (8:23 am) Azinian Standard Time
Sunset is at 18:33 (3:33 pm) Azinian Standard Time
(Please remember this is a 15 hour clock for a 30 hour day!)

The Sun, Gallison, is in the sign of the Goat.
The Sun's declination is at -23 degrees 20 Minutes
There will be 10 hours and 10 minutes of daylight today.

The Moon, Debhoran, is in its first day of its Waxing Crescent Phase in the sign of the Amphorae.
She will rise at 14:22 am and set at 25:24 (10:24 pm).

The Moon, Hyach, is in its first day of its Waning Last Quarter Phase in the sign of the Scales.
He will rise at 11:23 am on the 417th day and sets at 12:43 (12:43 am).

In two days is a grand Day of Celebration:
The Winter Festival,
The Church of the One True God Celebrated the Birth of the Savior
and the Dwarven Feast of the Fallen and Future Unknown Heroes

In three days, is the Elven Festival of the Mother and her Mate & Protector.

In five days, it will be the Midwinter Solstice and the first day of TK 1052, the Year of the Cat-Eagle.

Event Time line:
11:00 a.m. Player Sign In Begins
11:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Character workshop
02:00 p.m. to 02:15 p.m. Break
02:15 p.m. to 02:30 p.m. Game Introduction
02:30 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. Game Part One
04:00 p.m. to 04:15 p.m. Break
04:15 p.m. to 06:30 p.m. Game Part Two
06:30 p.m. to 06:45 p.m. Break
06:45 p.m. to 07:00 p.m. Game Warp Up

For additional information on the game world of Alquennas please see the Living World of Alquennas site at:

If you have, any questions please message me on face book or e-mail me?

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