i'm here to drill and chew gum, and i'm all out of gum

Aug 23, 2009 16:00

The Basics
Name: Qualyn
Nickname(s): Hermy
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Blood type: ...I'm not sure.
Please Describe yourself:

The best way to describe me is "a great, big nerd". I'm practically a homebody who'd rather spend time reading blogs and watching anime rather than partaying the night away. If forced to party, a video game system must be nearby. I procrastinate. A lot. Time management is not my thing. I like cooking even though I don't do it a lot because I'm so lazy and the Food Channel is my default if nothing good is on. Unwrapped is awesome okay don't judge me. Except do because this is a stamping community.


You In General
Hobbies: writing, roleplaying here on LJ, sleeping, playing video games, procrastinating, catching up on my anime, learning interesting things, iconing
Talents: Writing (so I've been told) and playing music.
Likes: Having fun, stepping on crunchy leaves, open-minded people, daydreaming.
Dislikes: Bigotry, any kind of injustice, really stupid people, lying, party poopers.
Three words that best describe you: moody bookish dorkface
Dreams & goals: The biggest goal I have right now is to graduate from college with a shred of my sanity. The other would be to find a career that I enjoy doing everyday of my life.

Favourite colour: Light blue
Favourite food: ...none because I like all food. orz
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite animal: Do puppies count as a separate animal?
Favourite sport: American football!

Leader or follower? Follower
Gurren or Lagann? Lagann! The little guy's adorable and crazy awesome.
Cool and collected or emotional? Both? It depends on the situation. If it's something I'm passionate about, I'll speak whatI feel, but I'll try to stay calm as best I can.
Confident or shy? Very, very shy.
Optimist or pessimist? Realist with a pinch of optimist.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate chip cookie dough.
By instinct or thinking before you act? Thinking before I act.

Favourite character, why?: Simon. His journey from small boy to leader and savior of the world to old worldly man is the reason I love the show. He's so--normal. He doesn't talk big like Kamina or have physical strength like everyone else in the Dan. He's strong emotionally and takes life as it comes, one turn of a drill at a time.
What ganmen would pilot, why? King Kittan Deluxe. Just to feel what it's like to be epic and have a banana Ganmen.
Favourite pairing: Kamina/Yoko and Simon/Nia.
Favourite TTGL quote, why?: "Don't believe in me who beleives in you. Believe in you who believes in yourself." Also, "Love changes the universe!"
Did you like the time-skip or the pre-timeskip better, why? Neither because I love them both.

If you'd like, please put a picture of yourself: asldfkja;sdlfkj i'm really shy about that sort of thing

Place here your three links where you've voted:

Thank you! Anything else you would like to add?

I suck and did this wrong the first time.  Sorry, mods.  >:
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