Let's drill this again. XD

Jul 17, 2009 12:16

The Basics
Name: Catherine
Nickname(s): Cat, Kitty Cat, Kitty, Caterfree (occasionally Cater, even thought that is NOT how my screenname is pronounced)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Blood type: O+
Please Describe yourself: I tend to describe myself as crazy, but I think I'm more eccentric, and definitely more in touch with my inner child. I tend to multitask a lot (as evidenced by the multitude of tabs I usually have open in Firefox x3) and don't have the best attention span. I can't really stick with things I want to sometimes because of that (hence why I write one shots and not full length epics). I'm also a very brainy person and tend to overthink problems at times, complicating them more often than not. I can get pissy fairly quickly too, especially around people who are annoying.

You In General
Hobbies: anime, manga, video games, reading, music, fanfiction, writing, playing with my dogs
Talents: Music (clarinet and vocal soprano), Academics (particularly mathematics), picking up the basics of foreign languages
Likes: Japanese culture, mythology, daemonism, Dragons, collecting Pokemon merchandise (Espeon and the legendary Beast trio especially)
Dislikes: prejudice, stupidity, homophobia, bad -isms of any kind
Three words that best describe you: excitable, introverted, eccentric
Dreams & goals: Graduate college from Ball State University with a degree in Japanese so that I may one day translate manga for Tokyopop, Viz Media, or Del Ray Manga. :3

Favourite colour: Any and all shades of purple!
Favourite food: SUSHI! and Pocky. <3
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite animal: Espeon Dragons, and birds (especially the Maroon Oriole, my daemon's stable form)
Favourite sport: I don't care for sports

Leader or follower? I'd like to be a follower, but end up as leader or independent because I usually end up with people who won't/can't be leaders. :/
Gurren or Lagann? I can has both? 8D ...Okay fine, I'll go with Gurren. :P
Cool and collected or emotional? It really depends on the situation. The more I've had to deal with a subject with different people, yet the SAME annoying questions (*casually points to icon*), the more likely I am to be emotional. However, I try to be as calm as I can in any given situation.
Confident or shy? Shy
Optimist or pessimist? Realist
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
By instinct or thinking before you act? Instinct. ^^;

Favourite character, why?: Yoko, because I feel like she's the person I really want to be. She's strong in ways I never will be and her patience with her students is how I want to be as a role model to my nieces and nephew.
What ganmen would pilot, why? I wanna take a spin in the Banana-mobile Peanut Better Jelly Time Machine King Kittan. :D I do believe the strikethroughs explain a lot. XD
Favourite pairing: Viral/Yoko!! Please tell me I'm not the only one. ;_; Also, Kamina/Yoko. :B
Favourite TTGL quote, why?: *points to cut text* I think it's because that that's the real lesson for Simon and of Gurren Lagann as a whole. IF one believes in themselves, anything can be done, even creating a giant ass robot with the power to throw galaxies like tennis balls. XD
Did you like the time-skip or the pre-timeskip better, why? SAFDLKSAHGFKJSADH That's a hard decision for me to make, tbh. I love the pre timeskip because of Yoko's greater role and because of the awesome dynamic between Kamina and Yoko. :3 However, Post timeskip is awesome because of Viral becoming an Anti Hero and due to EPIC SPACE BATTLE FOR EARTH'S FUTURE~! 8DDDDD

If you'd like, please put a picture of yourself:

Bleh, freakin low quality of my webcam. >_O

Place here your three links where you've voted:

Thank you! Anything else you would like to add? Not really. WHO AM I? *curious*

leeron, stamped

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