One) I can now go through "how are you" scenario in german, fuck yea /proud
Two) Lumi! You, me, discuss anything we want to do at mayfield with the representing and stuff? I've always wanted to do a questioneer at mayfield. It's like my stupid dream
Three) Coming off hiatus at
discedo tomorrow, but... debating a mind wipe for Luke
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...And probably announce that we're the representatives for our street? Or maybe we shouldn't announce that we're the representatives and make everyone be all,"D8 WTFFFF." Idk, I was planning to make a post anyway today not specifically about that, but I was indeed going to make a post.
YESSS We need to uhm... question on ridiculous things that Bri-tan and iceland would come up with--there must be an "are you English" question, too
a few other characters have announced they're representing so nothing wrong with it 8|a we could joint... post it or whatever like hungary and prussia are always doing ft
Yeah! Maybe something like, "Do you like fish?" or something like,"Where were you on the night of Tuesday, June 11... 1999!?" Something completely random like that.
I have no problem with a joint post. :3 I also promised Belgium-mun I would do a cooking respective food for each other post thing though. I'll...just randomly include that somewhere in there in a filtered thing though.
Home role:
Time in Mayfield:
Are you English?
Do you like Fish?
Is it just that England owns the Fish Hatchery?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how scary is the rain?
Do you keep any switches under your bed? (i.e. Lights, Sprinklers, Garbage disposals)
Where were you on the day of June 11, 1999?
Was was/is/will be your stance on the Cod Wars?
[taking on a few other more relevant questions, like would you be willing to help in the event of an emergency but im too lazy to type it right now /lame]
FF i would have no objections to that even, I just wont' thread hop it ._.b you know how to make text areas right?
In addition to those questions, here's some things Iceland would ask.
How many animals do you own?
Do you like licorice?
Do you know what Vikings are?
What are your thoughts on horses?
How well do you fare in cold temperatures?
What would you do if a lamp flew out of a window and hit you?
Do you drug harmless-looking beverages?
Would you consider buying popcorn from a boy scout no matter how expensive it may look?
Can we contact you in emergencies?
What can you provide to our cause? (Super-human powers or special talents)
and to that first section add "Address #"
Oh and to the second section add:
English or French?
Do you know what pirates are?
8/ i think that covers it sadlkjg (sobb survey why so random)
This is what I have so far:
Home role:
Time in Mayfield:
Address #:
Are you English?
Do you like Fish?
Is it just that England owns the Fish Hatchery?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how scary is the rain?
Do you keep any switches under your bed? (i.e. Lights, Sprinklers, Garbage disposals)
Where were you on the day of June 11, 1999?
Was was/is/will be your stance on the Cod Wars?
English or French?
Do you know what pirates are?
How many animals do you own?
Do you like licorice?
Do you know what Vikings are?
What are your thoughts on horses?
How well do you fare in cold temperatures?
What would you do if a lamp flew out of a window and hit you?
Do you drug harmless-looking beverages?
Would you consider buying popcorn from a boy scout no matter how expensive the price may be?
Can we contact you in emergencies?
What can you provide to our cause?
What about dialogue? You know for announcing the stuff. Oh, and who's going to be which color?
[COUGH from bri]
on and britan too"
And to clarify, you'll be threadhopping, correct? Like the whole "stranger > Ice > Bri-tan" or "stranger > Bri-tan > Ice" or whatever? Or the whole I make one thread, you make one thread and...I just totally forgot what I was saying. :
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