Name: AnNika
ttanna6E-Mail: anime_leet [at] hotmail [dot] com
IM: [AIM] maypie lord
Characters played at Discedo: Itoshiki Nozomu, Luke Triton, and Lana Skye--Previously played Toph here under
roxrkool Character's Name: Toph Bei Fong
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Timeline: After the episode "The Ember Island Players"; right before finale
Canon Resource Link: Personality: Toph is a rock--by definition. She's hard to move, totally solid, and bored like any good rock should be. But there's more to this little blind twelve year old that meets your seeing eyes.
Toph is introduced as "The Blind Bandit" into the series, which came at much of a surprise to the "gaang", but that surprise was short live when Toph effortlessly threw The Boulder out of the ring on his final and most epic defeat. Her explanation for this is to wait and listen, and later in the series we learn that she was taught this by badger moles. Because Aang needed an Earthbending teacher, Toph was quickly elected.
Toph's ia honest, too--maybe... too honest. If you're doing something wrong, or she doesn't like something about you, she's not afraid to throw it out there. During the "Ember Island Players", while all her friends were getting bashed and made fun of by the play, Toph nonchalantly explained to all of them how accurate the portrayals were, not even denouncing them as exaggerations.
Toph's dealt with people babying her and worried about her her entire life, even when she was completely capable of taking care of herself. This sort of unnecessary treatment brought out an irritable tomboy sort of nature. She rules by intimidation (getting up in Aangs face as his teacher), crass remarks (blatantly insulting people to aggravate them into messing up), and brute strength. After being made to wear girly clothes all the time, she got sick of all things feminine. Her tomboyish nature comes out of a rebellious nature, and the life style? She loves it.
But she's not all tough stuff and crass remarks. Toph has a softer side, too. She's always felt a mild uneasiness about her blindness, which can caused mixed feelings as to whether or not people are helping her because she's blind or they really want to help. It's fuel for her desire to show people she can take care of herself by herself. In addition, she's always had a funny relationship with her parents, loving and hating them for the over abundance for attention.
Even if she's kind of a tough chick, Toph is also the most acute to a person's true nature. Because of her earth bending, Toph can sense if a person is lying judging by an increase in their heart beat. From that she can judge if a person is good or bad, based on what they're lying about. A few examples would be Jet's lie before his (unofficial) death, as well as being one of the only people in the gaang to trust Zuko went he wanted to join.
What your character can offer: Toph's earth-bending abilities are the best in the whole universe. Nuff said.
What items will they be bringing with them? Fire nation outfit + space Bracelet
Third-Person Sample: "Guys, this is stupid, let's go do something that's actually... oh... I don't know... fun?!"
"Not now, Toph," responded Katara as she hovered over a table with her Sokka and Aang. He finished her statement: "We're busy." Toph only knew they were looking at a map because they'd said the word time times more than they needed to.
Toph huffed, bored as ever. Sure, she got it that finding a good map of the Fire Nation was important, but sometimes it seemed like they were almost obsessive with these kinds of things. Besides, why couldn't they just leave her behind with Appa?
Oh, that's right: "What if the Fire Nation suddenly plant an aerial attack right over your head as soon as we left?!?!?" Sokka's heartbeat always got erratic when he said stuff like that--well, not just like that, but pretty close. He always gets paranoid about stuff like that. Toph didn't get the point of worrying: she could fight for herself, even if there was an "aerial attack".
"Hey! I know!" She said, with an enthusiastic smile. "How about we just take the map you're looking at and go." Her hands gestured towards the door, but all she got in responce was a "PSSST" to silence her. Her arms fell to her side, and then she shrugged. "Fine, I'm going to find something to eat, I'm starved." No answer, and she added on like a side thought: "I think I smelled some Roasting Cow Hippo down the street;" and left.
In truth though? She hoped the mention of meat would at least draw Sokka's attention away from the map. No success there, so she supposed it was important to them.
She huffed--whatever, she didn't need them to enjoy herself. She had fun by herself all the time, even before she met Aang and the gang. Besides, they can't look for maps forever,. Might as well get food while she waited, right?
She kicked the dirt half way there and stopped, a bit sad they hadn't joined her. Even if she acted tough, she liked having one of them around to talk to. They were alright, you know? Even if Sokka was kind of a moron, and Katara was kind of girly, and Aang was really g--
She stopped, sensing a hammering of feet from where she'd just left. Felt like... Sokka?!
Initial excitement, but it dimmed back into her usual tough calm self. She went on walking again until--
She turned, half laughing. "Took you long enough!!" It was good to have friends.
First-Person Sample:
[Tough face, horse stance, and then a smirk] What, too scared to take me on? Didn't you just say you were going to take me on? C'mon, you can't seriously be done already, I mean "look at me" I'm only like twelve years.
Oh? [she cups a hand around her ear, leaning forward to hear something.] What was that, Azula? You're admitting you can't defeat me? HA I knew it! That's what you get for messing with me--Toph Bei Fong, the greatest Earth bender in the who--
[There's a clicking sound, and Toph's tangent ends suddenly. She frowns] Quiet down, Momo, I'm practicing my victory speech.
Breathe in... and out...
She shifted her feet to see the world; she didn’t need her eyes sight, not even a little. Her bending was the greatest sort of sight there was.
Toph wiggled her toes into the dirt, sending out the little vibrations that made the world around her come to life. To her left were berry bushes, she could tell by a rolling feeling at its base, to her right a tall cliff with a hat of boulders. Behind her-far behind her-she could sense the commotion of camp. Appa’s soft breathing as he rested after a long day’s work, Twinkle Toes walking around the flying bison to unload him, and two people standing in front of each other, their heart beats displaying some variation of anger. Shifts in their stances clued to her that Katara and Sokka were arguing over where to set up camp--again.
It didn't matter much to her, and falling backwards she hit the ground with a soft 'thud' and threw her hands over her head and sighed. The following moment something landed beside her, and made a quiet clicking sound. Toph reached out and pet the lemur beside her.
"Hey, Momo. How long do you think they'll fight this time? Three minutes or three hours?" He clicked in response, but of corse she didn't know what that ment. "I'll give it three minutes." Sure, tehy fight a lot, but she knew it was just for the benefit of the group.
Besides, if it went on too long, she could settle it in a jiffy--"Sokka sleeps over here, Katara sleeps over there--end of story." Personally, it didn't matter if they slept on the edge of a cliff--just so long as her feet were on the ground.