Apr 26, 2006 21:51
[A is for age:] Sixteen
[B is for booze of choice:] whatever is cheapest
[C is for career:] unknown
[D is for your dog's name:] bonsey
[E is for essential item you use everyday:] braine
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] the Scottish Symphony (the Italian is overrated)
[G is for favorite games:] euchre
[H is for Home town:] ithaca, NY
[I is for instruments you play:] just cello
[J is for favorite juice?:] apple or orange with much pulp
[K is for kids?:] kids not planning on getting married
[L is for last hug?:] I don’t give and receive hugs
[M is for marriage:] (see above, K)
[N is for name of your last 3 ex's:] hahahahaha
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] probably when I was born
[P is for phobias:] Smith-a-phobia (copying nora lol, I like it)
[Q is for quote:] "He who feels punctured must once have been a bubble”
[R is for biggest regret:] too many to count
[S is for Status:] like career, unknown
[T is for time you wake up:] 6am. Earlier if possilbe b/c I like to get a headstart on the day
[U is for underwear:] don’t worry, I’m wearing some
[V is for vegetable you love:] not quite sure of the translation for this in english
[W is for worst habit:] chronically annoying people. Peter has threatened to kill me on more than one occasion already.
[X is for x-rays:] teeth, which really don’t count
[Y is for yummy food you make:] any food I make is yummy….NOT
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Libra
Your Name- Samuel
NicknamesTimo (for some reason I still respond to that one)
Birthday- 09/26/89
~*HAVE YOU??*~
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? ugh
Been on stage? Yes
Gotten in a car accident? No
Death Valley on horseback? No
Stayed home? Yes
Made homemade fudge? My emulsion project failed miserable
Seen the Eiffel tower? Not physically
Shampoo: soap
Soap: whatever is cheapest
Color: blue
Night: Friday
Band: uh…
Season: fall
Commercial: clever ones
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Do you have a crush on someone: unforunatly, yes
Do you have a best friend? No
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends? No cell phone
Who's your funniest friend?
Who do you go to the mall with the most? I never go to the mall out of priciple, but have been forcefully dragged along a couple of times
Who do you e-mail the most?
Who have you known the longest of your friends?
Who's the loudest?
Who's the shyest?
Whose parents do you know the best?
Who do you go to for advice? advice? Jacob Jensen
Who knows all your secrets? myself
Who do you get the most surveys from? ??????????????????????????????????????????
Who are you jealous of?
Who do you cry with? Tear ducts are dry
Cried? No
Helped someone? Yes
Bought something? Yes, lunch
Dissected something? No
Cut your hair? No
Worn a skirt? No, although a couple days ago I had to wear one for a Euro Lit presentation. Ask HJ about it
Worn a tie? No
Been mean? Yes
Been sarcastic? Yes
Gone for a run? No
Gone for a walk? Yes
Gone to the movies? No
Gone out for dinner? No
Been kissed? No
Felt stupid? Yes
Said "I love you"? No
Written a letter? No
Written a paper? No
Taken a test? No
Met someone new? duh
Moved on? From what?
Written in a journal? This one
Watched your favorite movie? No
Talked to someone you have a crush on? Not physically possible
Given someone a present? No
Missed someone? No
Hugged someone? No
Had a nightmare? No
Fought with your parents? Yes
Fought with a friend? No
Been Scared? No
Showered? About 4 hours ago
Ate a meal? About 5 hours ago
What are you wearing right now? The usual, but of course none of you know me well enough to know what that means
Are you tired? When am I not tired?
Are you lonely? No
Are you happy? sure
Are you wearing pajamas? Yes
Are you hungry? I ate already
Are you eating? No
Are you talking to someone online? No AIM (for a while that is)
Are you ready for this survey to end? Bored….
How long did this survey take you? How should I know?
Type of sandwich: bagels with cream cheese
Coffee or hot chocolate? ucc
Cold or hot? Both extremes
Big or little? infinismal
Lace or satin? Huh?
Red or blue? Blue
New or old? old
Here or there? Here, where else