ANIME CONJI~! (part two)

Jul 21, 2010 12:35

04/11: Anime Conji, part two: in which yes, we are THAT dorky.

...because the rule of thumb is, once you've made the REAL costume to prove that you could have ACTUALLY cosplayed, you're allowed to do whatever you feel like with the wig.

Besides, they're so CUTE together. (And how often, really, do we get to wear those yukata?)

Sharing the joy of gay pr0n.

...And not-gay pr0n. Wish I could say we bought ANYTHING ELSE at this con, but I dun think we did. ^_^;;; Or rather, I don't think Axel did. >_>;;;

Crossover FTW.

Wig = Marly!fail, attitude does okay. ^_~ I lurves me some pink flowers.

Roy: Professional Myspace Photographer.

And...shoe date! ^_^ (Your shoes match your HAIR? Honestly, gaiz.)

Because no convention is complete without dancing.

Roxas got stolen by the maids as the only person in the tent who knew ALL of Love and Joy, and then again to rock at karaoke, because my wife is amazing.

(I totally and completely and utterly failed. But I like to think I failed GLORIOUSLY, all the same. ^_^;;; )

As always, I am the resident obi-tyer. Although I totally fail at it, so I have to keep tying them when they try to escape. ^_^;;;

BTW, my camera took that picture from this far away. That's us in the corner. I LOVE MY CAMERA. I had to brag about it. -exudes Maes/Cyril/Theodore vibes- (Also, epiic must have enormously steady hands!)

Pool cuteness ensued.

Yes, I know it's almost the exact same picture. IT'S STILL CUTE. -makes moving icon, rolls on it-

France moves in for the kill.

"Sigh~ Dumped for France AGAIN~"
Axel loses more gay boyfriends that way.

In the end, though, Roxas is no match for Axel's...feminine wiles.

...Or something.


Haha, and that concludes that. <3

...As a final aside, Stash makes some darn good Earl Grey tea, and rosemary Triscuits are full of win.

cosplay, conji, project 365, kingdom hearts, convention

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