Work rant~ Blowing off some steam before the first day of Japanese school.
Japanese school starts again tomorrow. I'm nervous as always, even though I know the first few weeks are going to be BORING while I sit and listen to them practice hiragana for the umpteenth time. I mean, they have to learn it, but there isn't a lot for me to do while they're at it. ^^;;; Who knows, though. Got to be optimistic. Maybe I can use the awesome hiragana cards Roy bought me ages ago...I love those things.
...Also, don't know what to tell Inui-sensei about the girl she was sweet enough to recommend me to tutor, they haven't called and I feel bad bothering them, hopefully she's doing better now. Hopefully not my fault. -_-;;;
Didn't really practice my own Japanese much over the summer, to be honest --- although I did do a couple of (simple) doujin translations. Too busy failing at learning Korean, German and Klingon. Baked cookies for the teacher's meeting, though! Snickerdoodles~ So there's that. Oh, teacher's meeting. -_-;;; An extra two or three hours of listening to people discuss and pick apart things while I wish I had anything to contribute. It's frustrating, although it's nice of them to have me.
If I don't sub (hope I do, but if I don't) I have orientation for Job 2 on Monday at 11 and Job 3 on Tuesday at 2. I cut out nine hats today but didn't sew them together. Somehow I'm still poor. Money earned =/= effort expended, but ah well. At least I have reams of Professor Layton videos to show for all this. So that makes me happy~<333 Need to do some more video editing, that reminds me. -_-;;;
...Was going to post the next part of AX, but it's almost time for bed^^; TOMORROW~
...Ugh, wish me luck.