(no subject)

Jun 25, 2008 14:01

Today I realized that this is happening, that I'm moving on to another place. Mom told me as I cried that I had to spread my wings someday. I brought Kara a crap load of books, and while I had told myself not to cry, that I wouldn't cry, I did. After I left. But it was still very sad. She's one of my friends I most worry for, seeing as she has just an overall shitty living space. But it's getting better. I worry for her going into the military, or where ever it is she's going. She'll kick some total ass, though. Kara's always been a tough cookie.

I didn't want to say goodbye because that meant acknowledging that I'm leaving. But I'm going to think of this more of a long vacation and a "see you later" rather than "goodbye forever." It's not forever. It's until Christmas or next summer when I come back to visit dad and all of my friends. It's just a prolonged experience away from here.

My father is giving me a cookout/party thing on July fifth. Family will be there, but he said I could invite whomever I wanted as well. I've made a list, but I'm not gonna ask here obviously. I hope I don't have to worry about talking too much to one group or the other. Hopefully my friends will like that side of my family. They're all very good people, aside from Carol. My AUNT Carol will be there. That woman has had so many brilliant experiences in her lifetime. . .it's amazing to listen to her. Michelle would probably have a ball talking to her, seeing as she knows so much.

Hopefully Lydia won't be a brat. She's usually not. Neither is Maxxie. Dad is gonna set up the volleyball net, we could play Badmitton. Croquet. Horse shoes. He's doing his best to see me happy.

I want this party, to be able to see everyone, but I worry about crying. I know I will. Parties make things so. . .official.


Two more days until ma goes

dad, parties, north carolina

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