memes nomnomnom

May 25, 2009 18:13

FROM cubixism
Gave me Yoko!

1. Do you like this person?

2. How do you call this person?
....Yoko .-.

3. Which color do you associate with this person?
Black obv :3

4. What do you like best about his/her look?
DDGJHF OOO. His weight. :D

5. Looking at his/her character, what blood type do you think he/she has?
I'm not Japanese so I don't really know BUTTTT I'd say A since that's my bloodtype and what I know about him sounds like me *__*

6. What do you want to tell that person?
Please remain the only non-anorexic Johnny's ♥

7. What do you want to do with this person: hug, kiss or shake?
Hug & kiss *__*

8. Pick five of your friends and pick one person for them.
Tell me if you want to do this ♥

Second meme :D

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Obviously this is my ichiban ♥ I went sort of batshit when his Hanako shoot got out since I hadn't been caring about him lately and I HAD to make my own.

Another example of me going batshit after something. The Quiz Show is amazing. Yoko is amazing. That scene was amazing. Too much amazing = icon. I don't really like the coloring, but whatever. It's Honma the creep.

THAT'S THE ONLY ICON I HAVE THAT I DIDN'T MAKE. I've had this LJ for......nearly a year and a half and I've never had an icon made by someone else before. It's Ryohei from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and his hot is extreme :D Besides, I suck at making manga icons. Heh.

LEMME SPELL PEDO FOR YOU. I think this was around Shissou time? I love Shissou. I wanted to make an icon from his Montreal shoot but this picture distracted me *___* Isn't it pretty?

The icon I've had for the longest time in this batch, heehee ♥ I tend to forget how awesome Maru is sometimes and I keep this one to remind myself ;D

meme, yoko-yoko, christy is my soul soul, tegoshi the prodigy, reborn! eats my brain, my love/hate relationship with jin

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