Aug 25, 2008 20:33
I am a very contradictive person.
Rewind to June 10th. That evening was the Festi-Film at school and I came back home weeping because the school year was ending and I didn't want it to. I was nostalgic and emotional and nothig has changed since then. I haven't cried yet, mostly because I've spent the summer away from human beings that were not my family, my brother's girlfriend and Crev, but I almost did.
Tonight I'll go up to my room at nine, read until ten and probably won't fall asleep until midnight, and my alarm clock will start ringing at six in the morning. Great. Just great. I wish I didn't start school tomorrow and I don't know why -- I seemingly can't write anymore, haven't posted anything to my fic journal in a month and spend way too much time on the computer. So going back to school should be a good thing, right? That's what I keep telling myself.
Besides, I know I won't do much tomorrow. First and second days are always simple since it's the first class in pretty much every subject. I start up with English, which will be a real joke since we don't do anything during pretty much the entire year, then history and art. The only less fun class will be math at last period and just beause I hate math. I should have time to write or come up with a way to start that Yoko/Baru fic I've had in mind for a few days. The hard part is to put it all to paper, I guess.
It's nine. Goodbye summer vacation. Q____________Q
i am dying,
someone shoot me now,
johnny is satan