I got tagged by
galekuroi over at Facebook, and it's been ages since I've done a meme LOL!
ABC About You Questions: seriously, how many times have I done this ABC meme??? LOL;;;
B - BIRTHDAY : 30th July, and yet that wishlist of mine never gets cleared!! :(
C - CRUSHING ON : Eunhyuk :) LOL;;;;
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD : Hot tea to calm my nerves and stomach.
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO : Depending on the situation. ^^ (read: does not talk much generally / schizo tendencies) Most of the time it's my sister, Saku-chuu, or my bb's (you know who you are! LOL)
F - FAVORITE SONG : The Remedy (I Won't Worry) by Jason Mraz. I never skip it on my playlist. ♥
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS : Currently I do not like gummies, but visually, I will pick gummy bears. D:
H - HOMECOUNTRY : Jap - oh. Uhm. Hella hot and humid Singapore kthnx.
I - IN LOVE WITH : My school assignments [/sarcasm]
J - JUGGLE : Work and school [/sarcasm]
K - KILLED SOMEONE : In my mind :')
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : Upstate Malaysia, and across Tokyo (though to be honest, was sleeping too much to notice how much time had passed orz;;)
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : Chocolate plz.
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS : 1 and only elder sister. Uhm, I guess Ken would count as a 'lil bro. LOL.
O - ONE WISH : ONE?! To have my family healthy and happy.
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: A classmate to confirm class venue LOL!
R- Reason to SMILE : Whenever I watch
Super Junior's Eunhyuk laughing happily. OTL;;;
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : I'm going to have eyes rolled at me.... -___-;; It was Here We Go by Super Junior.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP : Uhm? It's 3am+++ and I'm still awake. Does that count as the time I "woke" up? [/sarcasm]
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN : GEEZ, I'm going to skip the TMI here~
V - VEGETABLE(S) : Very picky with them plz. D:
W - Worst habit : Procrastination. Fo sho.
Y - YOYOS ARE : Something I was once trying so hard to get into the trend that I busted my weekly allowance on one. I still have it. But I can't do those cool-ass tricks for nuts. OTL;;;
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Leo, and don't you mess with meh! *diva's* LOL
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels : Nrsy - LOL HAI THAR, MAH NAME IS NRSY~ OTL;;;;
What color do you wear most? : Black / white / gray. Green's and blue's here and there. Occasional color bursts. :)
Least favorite color? : idk, something in a hella gross shade, perhaps, like moss green or muddy brown??
What are you listening to? : Right now? The clock's ticking is pretty loud. o__o...
Are you happy with your life right now? : My dark circles are proof of my extreme hard work. Someday, they will disappear and I will have triumphed. Yes, I am pretty much having positive thoughts.
What is your favorite class in school? : My current school?? Post-production sound. Heck yes.
Are you outgoing? : NO HAHAHAHHAHAHHA 8D
Favourite pair of shoes? : My checkered gray/white/black Converse high-cuts. Soon will include every possible sneakers that I want/am able to get my hands on.
Where do you wish you were right now? : Sleeping in my room.
Can you dance? : ..HAHAHA!! No. But my sis says I am not that bad. Srsly?? Ok a little. xD;;;;;;
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? : Haven't tried before, but I don't think I can.
Can you whistle? : No bwaahhahaha. [/loser]
Write with both hands? : Nope, unless it's in huge caps! :D
Walk with your toes curled?: I think I've done that before, when my feet ached a lot from walking too much...?
Do you believe there is life on other planets? : And why not?
Do you believe in miracles? : There can be miiiiraclessss, when youuu believeeee~ LOL UHM tbh, not really. Take 'em with a pinch of salt. ^^
Do you believe in magic? : They're all just illusions.
Love at first sight? : Yeah, why the hell not?
Do you believe in Satan? : Yes.
Do you believe in Santa? : (LOL OMG YOU PUT THOSE QUESTIONS ON TOP OF EACH OTHER, AND YOU GET SIMILARITIES! *points* Okay lame;;;;) No, I do not celebrate Christmas, or believe that someone magically gives you presents once a year.
Do you know how to swim? : ......Bwahahhahahahhahaha no.
Do you like roller coasters ? : Generally am okay-ish with them. I try not to over-think.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? : Not the ridiculous ones.
Have you ever been on a plane? : Yup.
Have you ever asked someone out? : Sure.
Have you ever been asked out by someone ? : Yes.
Have you ever been to the ocean? : Uhm, strictly speaking, just the sea. Not at the ocean, on a cruise or something.
What is the temperature outside? : Currently raining, so it's pretty cool.
What radio station do you listen to? : At work, everyone listens to Class 95FM cos the reception is the clearest. LOL. Whenever I have the time, I tune in to Sukira at night (online);;;;;
What was the last restaurant you ate at ? : Sushi Tei, bby ♥
What was the last thing you bought ? : FOOD for dinner muahahahaha....
What was the last thing on TV you watched? : Uhm. Randomly channel-surfing, so I can't remember right now;;;
Who was the last person you text? : My mom.
Who was the last person you took a picture of? : Myself LOL OTL;;
Who was the last person you said I love you to? : My sis *rofl*
Ever really cried your heart out? : Sure.
Ever cried yourself to sleep? : Yah.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? : Yup.
Ever cried over opposite sex ? : Yes.
Do you cry when you get an injury? : If it hella hurts!!!
Do certain songs make you cry? : Yahhhh.
Are you a happy person? : Trying to be an optimist these days;;;
What can make you happy? : Music, bby ♥
Do you wish you were happier? : That would be so fake.
Can music make you happy? : I just said it LOL!
How many times have you had your heart broken? : Eh? Probably at least once.
Have you loved someone so much that you'd die for them ? : That's silly, if you loved someone, you'd stay alive to protect them. Why'd you up and die for?
What is your current hair color? : Black + dyed light brown. That means I'm going to re-dye it soon!! TAT
Current piercings? : One on each ear.
Have any tattoos? : Nope.
Eye colour? : Dark brown.
Favourite eye color : Green HAHHAHAHAHA *shot*
Short or long hair : SHORT PLZ.
Height : At least taller than me, and I'm pretty short so that's not really difficult.
Been to jail : Haha no!
Mooned someone : No!
Laughed so hard you cried : Of course!!
Cried in school : Yah.
Thrown up in a store : Not in front of people. In a mall, in the toilet. ;A;
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today : Of course, if I remember anything stupid, I'd laugh at myself. :D
Gone skinny dipping : NO LOL HELLA GROSS!!!!
Pepsi or Coke : Coke, I guess?
McDonald's or Burger King : Depends on the mood, but I always just head to Mac's.
Single or Group Dates : Single. Group dates are a hassle *dislikes finding something in common just to have fun* [/anti-social]
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolaaateeeee :)
Strawberries or Blueberries : Strawberries muahhahahaha
Meat or Veggies : MEAT OTL;;;
TV or Movie : I have to choose??? What is this. D: TV cos I can eat whatever the heck I want at home and lie down and watch it LOL!!
Guitar or Drums? : Can't play both orz;;; Prefer guitars, though.
Adidas or Nike : Nikeee~
Chinese or Mexican : Chinese, plzkthnx.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes : Corn Flakes!
Cake or Pie : I CAN HAZ CAEK PLZ?? I mean: cake. xD!!
MTV or VH1 : Dislike both these days?? LOL ok, MTV.