Lol, whatever happened to "I'll update this weekend"? xDD I'm so sorry (for the millionth time)! >__< I'm updating with LOTS of stuff:
- I finally switched to a Plus account on LJ.
- I re-sized my layout, it's now more ad-friendly. =D
- I uploaded a few more userpics (with more to come, they're in the works! lolz) with credits, 'cause I didn't make them.
- I got myself an IchiRuki moodtheme (check the userinfo page - it has credits too) <3
- Pics? Of COURSE I've got pics! What made you think I'd update without pictures?! xD It's under the cut, as usual~ ;3
And then. Of course!
...FWAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAA...!!!!!!!!!!ONE11!!11ONE!! xDD *geeky grins* I FINALLY GOT MY HANDS ON BLEACH HEAT THE SOUL 3 FOR PSP~~! YATTAAAA! *cough* xD Teehee. I searched high and low when it got out of stock, so I ordered through my dear MAGE shop~ I LOVE YOU MAGE! ♥ Needless to say, I got hooked onto the game immediately and spent endless hours trying to defeat Renji in Soul Society (no, he's still unbeatable) in the Story Mode. ;___; Someday, Ichigo will achieve Ban Kai!! xD *cough* Hee.
Syuzuki's (very own) Convention! xDD *coughcough* Nah, I wish it was true! ;__; It's actually my school's Open House 2007, but they used SYU'S WORKS OMFG!! :'D *happy tears* There were postcards of each character and each of them were blown up to life size for the booths! O__O ♥!! I'm so proud of my Syuuuuu~ *rabu* xD Kyahaha~ I felt like her manager aka #1 fangirl throughout those days I accompanied her in the Open House to look at the booths. :'DD
Syu signs the booth for our course! :'D
What's an 'animecon' without some pics huh? xD I took time off from rushing an assignment in the computer lab to take pics (there wasn't a crowd then)~
Syu HATES this fella - she says 'it was a rush job! D:'. Well D: back at you, Syu! xD *kidding* I (and apparently lots of other people) LOVE this guy. He's hot, no? x3
Syu has her very first autograph session~! :'DDD *prances* A lecturer asked Syu to sign on every single postcard he collected. xD I'm so happy for Syu, and so so proud of her ne~ :'D ♥!
After the mad rush of assignments (which kept me away from blogging and anything remotely enjoyable), me and Fas and Lan Hui went out (FINALLY) for lunch and some silly time together~ ♥ We had so much fun, just like when we were always in the same classes in first year~! ;__; *nostalgia* Someday, we'll be able to hang out together again (psst, sem break!)~! ♥ [ Oh btw - Neoprints/sticker photos are a huge waste of money, but when you're in the mood for posing for them... There's no stopping you. xD ]
....And OF COURSE! Now for the life updates (lol, like anyone's remotely interested...)..! xD I'm planning to sell a bit of my manga collection (this took MUCH deliberating! *cries*), so I can get some money back. The Bleach PSP game and 2007 calendar (if the size was smaller, I'd show you guys every month's awesome pictures - alas, it's bigass) has run my money a little on the low... So I decided to sell a few select manga volumes to earn some money.
Of course, I also plan to take some RL (Real Life) commissions - as soon as I get PayPal figured out. xD And there's still my overseas internship to worry about; the school hasn't called me to say if I'm accepted or not! *worries* D: I really wanna get through to my first choice country (Australia)~ *crosses fingers* Not to mention (even more urgent!) - my final exams are next week! @___@ *flails arms* HOMFG!!! D;
But of course.... Things like these...:
Picture from:
Yamapi-Time.Net ...keep me EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY HAPPY! ♥ Who is this? Why, he's Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi~! ♥! *cough* He's a Japanese actor/singer, who's GOD DAMNED HOT. *cough* xD ^ ^;; I've gotten addicted to Jap dramas recently - watching Nobuta wo Produce and Kurosagi - and Yamapi is just too good to resist. xD I've got his song "Daite Senorita" (see this LJ entry title) on loop constantly! xD Along with "Seishun Amigo" by Yamapi and Kamenashi Kazuya, a co-actor on Nobuta wo Produce.
........I don't think I sounded apprehensible in the previous paragraph there. *coughcoughhack* xDD So sorry, it's a habit of mine to fangirl too much. x3 Teehee.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna go for a haircut (I haven't been to one in ages!) tomorrow with my sis. The problem? I still don't know which hairstyle I'm gonna cut! @___@ I mean, I am considering Makino Tsukushi's (from Hana Yori Dango 2 J-drama) hairstyle... But... D; I'm also kinda thinking of chopping off my long locks. O__O! Goodness! It's been, what, *counts* FOUR years since I've had short hair! I've been keeping my long hair for four frigging years?! OMG! D: I wanted to reach my goal (which is keeping long hair till my waist like my mom when she was my age), but yeah... Guess I kinda want a new look..? D: But then again, I've fallen in love with my long hair (LOL WTF)... ♥ Aiya, it's so hard for me to decide! xD Even if I get short hair, I'm also not sure what style to cut. I'm considering Yamapi's hairstyle - just slightly longer. Like [
this ] ....No..? I kind of think that may or may not suit me. xDD Ah... Whatever it is.... I'll decide. Soon enough. LOL! xDD
So yeah! Finally done with updating~ x3 Hope everyone's been well, and: GOOD LUCK for your exams, TP peeps! =D
Bye Byecycle~! xDD *cough* [/lame] Teehee. ♥