In my bowed skull he fixed his black flag.

Sep 07, 2009 22:11

Hah. Here I go, blogging. Once again.

I am seriously aching all over. And I feel bout a thousand years old. Couldn't even make it down the stairs to the MRT without wincing with every single step. Seriously, I never learn, do I? All throughout training sessions at RJC, I have always balked/lamented/despised warm ups, knowing full well that I will ache die the next day. No idea why the idea of warm ups just disgust me.... it's that thought of frivolously using my easily expendable energy, when it could be better used in the actual game and such. No recourse to reason isn't it?

No matter. I love Mondays, I absolutely adore them. For one, I'm starting to really enjoy the weekly meetings on Mondays, because all sorts of weird and interesting cases are brought to the forefront to be discussed. I remember thinking at my very first monday meeting (which incidentally was like, my very first day),  I was like "f is going on here"? A month plus on, well it's still pretty much "f is going on here"sometimes, but now at least a little "f that is so totally g/f.a" pops into my head. It's rather exciting I suppose.

On a totally separate issue, S called me from his library today and we were musing a bit bout poltics, gender disparity in pay and related stuff. Of course, I reiterated for the umpteenth time, my threat to quit my job and "live off [him]". Then we both realised that, if one were to go up to them bosses and demand to quit her job to live off one's husband, there is pretty much no comeback to that. And also, way to go, gender equality.

I remember reading in st some time ago about that facebook quiz  "which e.lite school do you come from?" and the article interviewed  the alumni of these e.lite schools - o/ra for one and the s.cgs alumni for another. As everyone knows the sc sterotype is one of the tai tai aspirant and the interviewee for the sc alumni was quick to label the tai tais of the s/c alumni as "black sheep" and that successful career women number amongst us sc girls. Now, I thought that a supremely unfair judgment. Achieving success in the corporate world might be deemed the fulfillment of your dreams for you - congrats and pats on the back all around - but to label someone a black sheep just because they didn't live up to your ideal of a modern woman? Cmon, love, everyone can choose to use their education in whichever way they want; or even, not at all if they so deem fit. I shall now choose to stem that torrent of info from the Public and Private Gendered Geographies course which is struggling to make themselves heard, and continue waddling through this slush, as you from your moral high ground might call it.

es gibt keinen grund. tsusmagne out.

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