How much more of this soul destroying work can I take?

Nov 12, 2008 01:12

I have discovered the most tortuous of torture techniques - transcribing interviews.  And to crown it all you have to do it without music, which means I have gone two full days without music whilst working at my desk. I have forgotten how Julia sounds like already kthanks.

Can I say how in love with [title of show] I am? It is the most random shit ever and kinda reminds me of that equally random shit I wrote in my personal essay for Dartmouth. It's an awesome show but I do think it isn't suitable for Broadway. Much too insidery and I can't envision it selling a lot of tickets (what else do you expect if you rather be nine people's favourite thing than a hundred people's ninth favourite thing?)

I am so sick and irritated with my dissertation, but transcribing interviews, though tedious much, have bestowed me many golden quotes that I simply have to use! "The means to an end we can't see yet...". anyone? JC.

And and and zomg the For Good on the 5th Anniversary Wicked CD by Leanne Rhimes and Delta Goodrem is FAWESOME. Ahhhh there is still good left in this world!!

I MUST MUST GET back to work.

fawesome, wickedness thrust upon you, julia awesome murney, this is totes resolve!, broadway blabber, jc that's so random!, dissertation biatch

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