Title: What Dreams May Come (part 2/3)
Fandom: "The Call of Cthulhu"/Lovecraft mythos
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: one-sided Cthulhu/Gustaf Johansen
Summary: Gustaf returns to Norway after his near brush with death at Cthulhu's claws. However, although Cthulhu may be trapped once more beneath the sea, he has not forgotten the sailor who thwarted him.
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Also, have a random snippet of poetry that just seems rather appropriate to this lot:
"You smell of distance.
Battered masts and sails,
exhausted from their struggle with the deep,
crowd in the harbor as I drop asleep,
feeling your breathing
while my soul is winging
its way above strange shores
and distant hills.
Far off.
Hark to the sailors singing."
Also also, part 3 of "What Dreams May Come" is posted! :D My keyboard was reluctant to write smut, but I hope you like the conclusion nonetheless, lol.
And ooh, I love the sound of those bunnies! *feeds them eldritch carrots* :D
Poetry - LOVE!!!
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