liek wow.
okay, two things.
wan: many friends of mine came up to me, saying, " OMGSH PATRICIA THERE WAS A 3-DAY POKEMON MARATHON. "
one line that they all used: ' it was, like, my childhood! right on TV! '
i definitely know that feeling. xD;
too: i fiiiiiinally found my old LJ account.
and lemme tell you, i only had 20 entries but going through them was amazing. i dunno, but in my opinion, i was a lot more annoying back then. all of my stuff was always dedicated to
kaeru_chan. i guess i couldn't help it...maybe. back when i was a wee old 8th grader, i was practically obsessed with her and the fact that: OMGSH SHE ACTUALLY TALKS TO ME. one of those, 'wow! she's a superstar! i'm going to milk out as much as i can!' moments. sweat drop.
i actually thought my writing material was pretty okay back then. all the drabbles and isht i wrote. and i finally found my OC! :D AND THAT IKKAKUYACHIRU DRABBLE. HELL YEAH. cough.
anyways, w/e. i'll be back soon now. XD;