Oiran/geisha have a really wide variety of hairstyles that they wear, and each one "says" something different. There's quite a lot of information about these hairstyles and what they commonly convey, so there are better sources than me to learn about that kind of thing. The common hairstyles are, naturally, pretty well suited for any kind of girl. The oiran hairstyles, on the other hand, are exclusively for Kiyoha or other very high ranking courtesans. Also note, these hairstyles are all acheived by applying hot wax to very long hair. If you're curious as to whether these styles would be possible for a character, don't hesitate to ask! Though as a general rule, books I've read have geisha with their hair undone at waist-length!
shinshou [apprentice]
You'll notice that all of these kimonos tie their obi in the front. This is naturally not the conventional way to wear an obi, and like the hairstyles, says a particular thing about the person wearing it. This style comes from the courtesans of Kiyoha's era (which is the Edo era) and is an instant indicator of her status as a prostitute. Later courtesans (i.e., geisha), do not tie their obi in the front. Tying one's obi in the front implies an easy woman, or in
guysandolls setting, an easy woman or man!
shinshou [apprentice]
(note: this is a ceremonial kimono for the oiran's promenade)