pfffft, just shut the fuck up

Feb 25, 2009 22:09


Okay, I just really want to beat Faust's face in.

So there's thread in the Help Desk asking for some help with BBcoding and Faust goes in all butthurt and totally off-topic practically all like, "BAAAAWWWW WHERE'S MY WHITE HAIR!? I'M NOT COMPLAINING OR ANYTHING BUT WHERE IS IT!? TT________TT"

Oh wait, I forgot his stupid way of posting, lemme rephrase that:


No joke, he fucking posts like he's some kind of emo kid or just horribly retarded.


Azriel posts and pretty much tells him to STFU and that if he keeps complaining, he'll never get his fucking white colored hair. Then he replies going all WTF. Then I tell him that we're all busy to get around to it as we promised n' shit. And pretty much he goes all dickhead saying:

"Not to be rude, but if you call that busy, then I feel sorry if you had to be in my shoes...

Starters, I'm in the Unites States Marine Corps, that alone breaks many people, also, I go to college a night, fun times, and I still manage Marine Net, a website a Lieutenant Colonel and I run alone, adding and adjusting multiple layers of code daily, when over 70% of active duty Marines use it daily, and I still manage to post here and about 3 other avi sites on a daily basis, I'm guessing because I'm highly trained in most computer fields and I've learned to deal with the stress, so yea, please never say such things like that again, thank you."


Okay, for one thing, he even said it himself, "I'm in the Unites States Marine Corps, that alone breaks many people"

So even after you said that, you can't understand that LOL NOT ALL PEOPLE CAN HANDLE STRESS LIKE YOU? What the hell?

Sure, you probably have more to juggle on your hands that matter more than we do, so we don't have any right to be butthurt. But hey, this isn't entirely the point. The point is that YOU JUST HAVE TO FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP, WAIT, AND STOP COMPLAINING.

Not to mention, at least in the Marine Corps, he's working with other people WHO FUCKING KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Sadly, we don't have this kind of luxury 8(

Seriously, we don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of utter bullshit.

Oh, and also taking note of HIS COMMA ABUSE ROFL

I raged at his reply and fucking lol'd so hard at the same time. Seriously, the only periods he's got in his fucking reply are at the end of his first sentence and the end of that shit brick of text.


Am I the only one who thinks that's ridiculous? He's probably using commas to substitute his ellipsis abuse rofl

Yeah, I comma abuse too, but it's not like I shove 15 of them in one fucking sentence omg

I hate this guy even more now. Goddamn.

Oh but more importantly, why is somebody in the Marine Corps wasting their time on avatar sites? What a fag.

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