Mar 30, 2008 19:05

Character: Ogami Makoto
Series: Ghost Hound
Character Age: 14-15
Canon: Ghost Hound takes place in a town that's not called Silent Hill but is just as freaky to fourteen-year old Komori Tarou. By day, Tarou's a quiet kid, but by night, he becomes a spiritual floating baby! He decides to use his new powers to discover the reason for his sister's death and his own kidnapping eleven years ago. Along the way, he makes friends, hits on a grade school girl who may be his reincarnated sister and gets entangled in a fushigi mystery with a large biochemical company who have SINISTER DASTARDLY plans.

Joining him on this ghost baby adventure is Ogami Makoto. He's a J-rocker emo-kid in the making, preferring to be stoic and silent towards people unless he feels it's necessary to keep them informed or when they deliberately push his buttons. When that happens, he turns out to be hot-tempered and violent. He's also very much grounded in common sense and nothing supernatural seems to catch him off-guard. Makoto possesses a strong and cynical view towards all things religious due to his upbringing. He does have one slight problem in his personality though: for him, killing is as natural as breathing and he wouldn't hesitate to take you down. Or so he says. Truthfully, he's more all bark and very little bite.

Sample Post:

Just my luck.

Okay, I'll admit to taking whatever chance I can get to leave that sorry excuse I call a home, but you are the worst rock-band I have ever heard of. Yes, I have heard of you, unfortunately. Next time I get a free trip to Louisiana to train a group called The Rolling Stonedeads of CFUD, I'll turn it down immediately. Tch, I should have known better. Since I'm here and I suddenly have a lot of spare time on my hands, I suppose I could educate you all on some basics. That includes not using your guitar chords in creative ways to tie up other people like...what you're trying to do right now to me. Hands off, or it will be hands off permanently. If you've got fingers that want to keep roaming, then keep them on the guitar. The same goes for the legs. I'm not keen on getting badtouched on stage or off stage for that matter. A little too excitable for me--what did I just say about playing footsie? Yes, it does count even if it's detached from your knee, idiot.

Now that we're done sorting out your rather juvenile behavior, let's establish the ground rules of rock and roll. First off, you have no god. You need no god. He dumped you here without any sort of salvation...yeah, he has a tendency to do that a lot. Your only hope now is the three things that keep all rock stars alive: sex, drugs and alcohol. But since there's a "no sex" rule in this place and you have something against furries, though what does that have anything to do with sex is beyond me, we'll go straight to the other two. But you better not overdose before your grand opening concert. It's fine if you want to get wasted afterwards, just don't lose your head over it...yeah, I do mean that literally. Also, I'm banning the use of "braaaaaaains" in any of your songs unless it's for dramatic effect like "through the tentacles and the braaaaaaains, we carry on". The use of "rwwarrr" is all right if it rhymes with "garrr", but don't abuse the gravelly noises. When you can, remember to deep-throat the vocals. It always gets the fans to swoon and their knees to knock together. Yeah, fainting fans is always a plus point when you're "rocking around the clock"...No, not cock, why in the world would you rock to that? The drumsticks are phallic enough for you, really, without you having to wrap around them so...suggestively.

Once you've become rich and famous rock stars, you probably need to learn how to sign autographs. Just keep in mind that when you sign on paper, you have to make sure your fingers are still attached to your hand when you let go off the pen. Really, is that so hard? Take it slow...It's cool that a fan wants a piece of you, but they don't mean an actual piece of your body. Nobody's that hardcore. They'll settle for a scrap of cloth rather than a piece of your liver. Or any other part of you for that matter. Also, you should get some leather pants as soon as you can. It's another part of the appeal that fans go wild for. The tighter, the better. At least you guys don't have to worry about the blood circulation around your waist. Consider yourselves lucky -- I had to learn that the hard way. Chains and chokers can add to the appeal, but don't be stupid and poke your eye out with that stuff -- Like what you just did with that spiked choker...you should probably pluck that eye out and stick it back in, you're not trying to be heavy metal. We'll leave that to the toucans. They're the perfect wailers and moaners already with all their iyaaaaaaan-ing.

Now, it's late and my time has come. Looks like I've covered most of it...the rest I'm not bothering with. You all have a concert to perform and the show must go on.

Voting went here with 45 in/5 out. Better than I thought!

ooc, app

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