♥ - she is aware you're alive
♥♥ - she somewhat cares that you're alive / would notice if you were dead
♥♥♥ - like above but she cares a little more
♥♥♥♥ - Kanbaru tier
♥♥♥♥♥ - Araragi tier
She loves him. Sob this is going to be an essay so here's a placeholder quote! "I love her for what she has dared to be, for her hardness, her cruelty, her egoism, her perverseness, her demoniac destructiveness. She would crush me to ashes without hesitation. She is a personality created to the limit. I worship her courage to hurt, and I am willing to be sacrificed to it. She will add the sum of me to her."
Other half of the Valhalla Combo. Hitagi's BFF / partner-in-crime and Araragi abuse. Also, Hitagi's hostage for Araragi's good behaviour (she's occasionally threatened to make Kanbaru do all manner of obscene things to make Araragi behave) That's friendship for you~♥ Like any good senpai, Hitagi serves as Kanbaru's true master in ero. They've only recently reunited and with the complications the island might bring, Hitagi is wary of blurring the lines for Kanbaru again. While Hitagi might occasionally use her and hold her at a distance, Kanbaru counts as part of Hitagi's 'everything'.
WANNABROCON MINX. Because Hitagi is not a moron, Araragi-kun, she can tell that Nadeko is in heart-throbbing love with Araragi. While she doesn't exactly regard Nadeko as competition the same way she might, say Hanekawa, she does show she respects Nadeko by acknowledging her feelings. Of course, Araragi gets the full brunt of any backlash from Nadeko's actions anyway.
Hitagi doesn't know about the sex kitten part yet but she really really should. They share some similarities, both intelligent, have family issues and are somewhat set apart from others and find in Araragi someone to rely on. Hitagi tapped that first though. Hitagi genuinely respects her and seems to have a better understanding of the issues Hanekawa is dealing than Araragi. In the novels, it's stated that Hitagi goes to Hanekawa to help with relearning how to deal with her returned emotions.
The psychedelic aloha and acknowledged magnificent bastard. There were some tense moments in their introduction to each other, both being cynical and not at all shy about it. He made some sharp observations about her selfishness, she demanded to know what he'd ask for in return for his help. But they have an interestingly complex relationship after, in that they've both gone to each other for help in getting Araragi extricated from the suicidal situations he lands himself in.
Do-gooding, easily bullied human-shaped ball of flail and fail. It should be illegal how much amusement Hitagi derives from flustering the hell out of him but he's showing remarkable emotional resilience since he keeps wandering back for more. That said, he's helped her out and she knows that he's the type to keep helping out even if it proves unhealthy for him. So there's some gratitude there. Which is Not. A Good. Thing.
kafuka fuura-san
Game recognizes game and strange recognizes strange, so is it any surprise that Hitagi doesn't bat an eyelash at Fuura's... Fuuraness? Her ultrapositive viewpoint may be the opposite of Hitagi's but she can also respect how at fully Fuura inhabits her crazy. She's also the first person Hitagi has seen to nearly die from her collar so Fuura in distress does give rise to some worry in Hitagi.
Someone really needs to tell Hitagi that other people's embarrassment is NOT A TOY. That or never let her talk to Miki ever again. It's not good for him. Whatever time she spends with him should be for educational purposes but not for her to learn about the different shades of red a person can turn depending on what sexual position is being described at him at the time.
Intelligent. Useful. Apparently has no problem being volunteered for difficult projects. Planning on taking advantage of that in both near and distant future. Hitagi isn't fully aware of whatever's developing between Kanbaru and Naoto but if she ever does? ...never let Hitagi find out where you live, Naoto.
It probably says a lot about Hitagi that the only people she's actively willing to go to for help are the people she tortures the most. Gareki has the unfortunate distinction of proving to be one of the most useful people she's met so far so she's stocked up on blackmail material on him and what she doesn't have, she makes up. He's a different flavor of victim too, he struggles, yells, calls her crazy. Oh yeah, she's never letting go of his balls in her stapler.
Her favorite childhood toy, Torture-Me-Elmo! Another terminally helpful type with a side of uketastic. He isn't quite of the easily flustered mold of the Ashton School of OMGWHYME and he's come out of an argument with Hitagi unstapled and virtue intact so she knows he isn't as breakable as his attitude might suggest. Hitagi doesn't admit to needing help very easily but Hanatarou is one of the first people she thinks of if she never needs to get her various victims patched up. (because they are loved ones, otherwise she'd leave them to fend for themselves)
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