APPLICATION | anteceded

Jan 01, 2009 01:00


NAME: Vicki
AIM/MSN: (AIM) bakyura kida, (MSN)


NAME: Masaomi Kida
SERIES: Durarara!!
TIMELINE: After visiting Anri in the hospital when she was "attacked by the Slasher"

wikipedia and myanimelist give some information on his background, but to be on the safe side, I'll include some of what I know/interpreted.

Masaomi Kida is Mikado's childhood friend from elementary school. The two were close friends, however, during that time, Kida ended up moving out to Ikebukuro, distancing the two boys from each other, and thus severing their ways of contact. It is here in Ikebukuro where Kida's secret began. While living in Ikebukuro, Kida formed the gang known as the Yellow Scarves; they were always fighting with whoever they could find, and the fighting they engaged in brought up many rumors about the members and how vicious they were. However, in a flashback, Kida admits that he had wanted someone to like him and say that he was a good person. It was here where he met Saki Mikajima and Izaya Orihara.

Saki had commented on Kida not being as bad as the rumors had said. Kida, surprised at even being recognized so easily, jokingly asked her if she was an esper, knowing all about him. Noting the joke, Saki laughed at it, and responded that there was another esper who knew more; Izaya Orihara. Kida willingly admitted that from that time on, whenever he wasn't sure about something, Saki would encourage him to ask Izaya about what to do, constantly praising him and saying that he knew everything. The resolution to listen to him ultimately annoyed the Yellow Scarves, but in reality, it did resolve many things. Kida, however, was still cautious of him and did his best to keep his distance from him. He knew there was something about Izaya that he couldn't trust. He just didn't know what it was.

Kida and Saki were constantly together after their meeting, and everytime, she would praise Izaya for being amazing for knowing everything. Kida admitted to pitying the girl because of her obsession with him, and wanted to free her of it and of him. Kida then asks her if she thinks that they were dating, and she claims to not know. Kida then asks why she hangs with him, to which she replies that she likes him. Not truly convinced by it, Kida asks if Izaya had told her to like him, and Saki admits that he did at first, but that he really doesn't get involved with other people's love lives. Kida then asks why she likes him, and she states that she thinks he's cool and cute. She then asks if he likes her too. Kida responds to her that if she didn't have her strange obsession with Izaya that he just might. While not liking the fact that Kida can't get over that one flaw of hers, Saki willingly admits that she does indeed have a flaw with praising Izaya too much, but sees no point in fixing it. Kida however states that she should fix it anyways, and tells her that he would help her. Saki is surprised by his offer to help, and it is after that conversation that the two began dating.

Around the time Kida and Saki begin dating, the fighting between the Yellow Scarves and another group called Blue Square intensified, and many of Kida's friends were injured. Kida claims that Blue Square were ruthless, and even fought dirty, just to insure that that'd win. He, along with many members of the Yellow Scarves, were scared, and Kida became nervous about losing his place in life if he disbanded the team to preserve the fighting. In a last resort, Kida followed Saki's advice finally and went to Izaya for help on beating Blue Square. In return, not only did the information tell them where they were, but it also changed the Yellow Scarves and the way they fought. Their losing streak had finally ended. Because of this, Kida lost his fear of Izaya, and began trusting him more, knowing that the information he provided was indeed helpful.

However, everything turned for the worst. One night, Kida received a call from the leader of Blue Square. In a rather quizzical manner, he informs Kida that he and his gang kidnapped Saki, and after breaking both her legs, demand him to meet them in the parking garage where the Yellow Scarves had ambushed them. Furious, Kida throws his phone, finally realizing that he had started a war when creating the Yellow Scarves. After a moment, Kida fumbles to fix his phone and attempts to call Izaya for help. The information broker ignores his call without any hesitation, and Kida, who is beyond frustrated, darts out the door to the parking garage.

As he gets closer to the garage entrance, he sees a van speed its way in, and two members running out in a panic. Kida immediately freezes in his spot, and realizes why he suddenly become scared. Despite his realization, he wonders why he wasn't able to do anything for Saki like he had wanted to. He then admits that he was just a powerless middle schooler, and remains silent, standing in the same spot. A little while later, the same van from earlier speeds out of the garage, with Saki and her rescuers (former Blue Square members) inside. As the van passes by Kida, one of the passengers inside, Kyohei Kadota, sees Kida standing there, and is a bit surprised. The van however, doesn't stop, and continues heading to the hospital, while Kida continues to remain silent in his spot.

Saki eventually wakes up, but despite her regaining consciousness, Kida can't bring himself to see her face to face. After standing in front of the hospital one day, Kida is confronted by Saki's rescuers. Kadota then relays a message to Kida that Saki can see him in front of the hospital rather clearly, and that she says thank you for coming. Kadota then informs him that he lied to Saki and told her that Kida couldn't make it on time because he was confronted by members of Blue Square. Kida becomes angry and states that he had never asked for him to do that. Kadota replies that he would have told her that anyways, regardless of what Kida wanted, and Kida slowly begins to break down, stating that he ran away. Kadota states that he knows this, and that he's still running away. Kida retaliates by screaming on whether Kadota is encouraging him to lie to her, which then causes Kadota to snap. Grabbing a shaken Kida by the collar, he tells him that if he truly feels guilty for running, then he should live the rest of his life with the pain of lying to her. Kadota continues to lecture Kida, stating that if he doesn't want to lie to her, he should just face her and get it over with. He finishes by stating that he'd let him run from the past, but also warns him that he didn't want to see him running from the present or the future. Kadota then leaves with his partners, and Kida stays in his spot, thinking over the other's words.

Kida then confesses that he had tried many times to confront Saki, just to break up with her. In the end, however, he could never really do it. In result, Kida left the Yellow Scarves, which eventually went on the down-low after losing their leader. One night, while talking with long-time friend Mikado online about high schools, Kida convinces Mikado to come to Ikebukuro to attend Raira Academy with him. He continuously tells Mikado about how wonderful Raira was, and how awesome it would be if the two went to the same school again. Unknown to Mikado, however, Kida's main reason for doing this was to appease his lonliness. He admits that when talking with Mikado, he felt calm. He then believed that with Mikado around, he could hopefully live a calm and peaceful high school life.

Things seem to work relatively well. Once Mikado arrives in Ikebukuro, Kida begins informing him about the city and the many dos and don'ts. He especially warns Mikado of Izaya and Shizuo Heiwajima. He also keeps his past as a member of the Yellow Scarves a secret from him, believing that Mikado had no reason to know about it. He also states that he will refuse to let Mikado walk the dark path that he used to walk when he was with the Yellow Scarves, especially when he notices Mikado becoming more interested in the suddenly popular gang known as the Dollars.

While attending Raira, Kida and Mikado also meet Anri Sonohara, a fellow freshman at Raira Academy. Their meeting is on awkward terms, since Anri at the time was busy trying to find her friend Mika, who had suddenly disappeared. Nevertheless, Kida and Mikado befriend her, and eventually help her with her troubled thoughts about her friend. Kida also constantly hits on Anri, stating that he has fallen in love with her, and continously calls her "hot" and "erotic." Mikado finds the comments to be lewd, and tries to defend Anri, who is usually quiet or unresponsive to Kida's attempts. With Mikado's constant defending, Kida almost immediately becomes aware of his friend's slowly growing crush on Anri. He eventually informs Anri, and states that despite the crush being there, Mikado wouldn't try anything.

Kida's dream for a peaceful high school life is cut short, however, as he is constantly encountered by different members of the Yellow Scarves. Most of the encounters are to get Kida to re-join the group, to which Kida immediately declines. He refuses all their attempts at persuading him to re-join, especially when the Dollars gang begins growing in numbers. The encounters become more frequent after the Dollars have a sudden meeting in Ikebukuro, and after the Headless Rider causes a riot. Kida, however, continues to decline the offers, wanting to continue his peaceful high school life.

It is here where the urban legend of the Slasher begins rising, and constant cases of victims are reported, with the numbers of victims also slowly rising. One night, on her way home, Anri is just about to be bullied by the same girls who constantly harassed her before, until the Slasher arrives. The three girls scream, and in retaliation, the Slasher cuts them down. Fortunately, Anri is spared, and soon after, the police are called. Kida and Mikado learn of the close call, and constantly tell her to be careful when going home. Days later, Anri once again encounters the Slasher, and is put in the hospital after the second encounter. When Kida learns that Anri was attacked, he is angered by this bit of news. After visiting Anri in the hospital, he vows to himself to never again let a someone he cares for to end up a victim like Anri and Saki. He then vows to find the person behind the Slasher and get revenge.

aside from normal street gang fighting skills, none really.

Kida is well-liked by many of his peers and is rather personable, even to an overwhelming extent. He also has a rather charismatic personality, which in result causes his leadership-like qualities to come out naturally. Compared to his friend, Mikado, Kida can also be seen as more of an easy-going guy. He constantly cracks jokes, and tends to show a whimsical side of himself, which usually leaves his friend wondering if he is alright in the head or not. He claims that the side of him shows in front of Mikado is true to himself, and that it is a result of feeling calm around his long-time friend. He also admires Mikado a lot, especially when he boldly speaks his mind to others. He is also a huge flirt, and enjoys hitting on older women he deems as "hot." His attempts, however, have never been successful and most of the women simply ignore him and walk off. Despite the failure, Kida doesn't give up, and continuously tries to hit on women.

Kida also claims to be madly in love with best friend and fellow freshman Anri Sonohara. He continuously refers to her being "hot" and "erotic," something that frustrates Mikado to no end. Mikado usually interrupts him when he attempts to hit on Anri, and apologizes to her for his friend's lewd remarks. Kida also takes note of Mikado's growing crush on Anri, and declares himself to be in a love triangle with the two. Despite his attempts at winning Anri over, however, he is more than aware of Mikado's love for Anri, and even tells her that he'd give his friend a chance and watch how things develop between the two of them.

Despite his self-proclaimed love for Anri, as well as his flirty behavior, Kida still holds a part of his ex-girlfriend, Saki with him. He claims that they are no longer together, but because of what happened to her when he was first with the Yellow Scarves, he feels guilty and fully responsible for her hospitalization, and therefore tends to walk by the hospital she is in to "visit" her. It isn't until after Anri's first encounter with the Slasher that Kida is finally able to confront Saki face to face.

It should also be noted that Kida is rather spiteful of Izaya Orihara, considering the history the two have with one another. He was suspicious of the information broker from the beginning, but it wasn't until after Saki's hospitalization where Kida truly comes to despise him. While he does blame himself for trusting Izaya at the time, he also feels that he was manipulated and used by him. He therefore holds a grudge on him, and warns Mikado not to get involved with him, for fear of his friend's safety.

STATUS: new arrival



right here!

*rp: anteceded, [application]

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